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Simplify CMake per-source license notices Per-source copyright/license notice headers that spell out copyright holder names and years are hard to maintain and often out-of-date or plain wrong. Precise contributor information is already maintained automatically by the version control tool. Ultimately it is the receiver of a file who is responsible for determining its licensing status, and per-source notices are merely a convenience. Therefore it is simpler and more accurate for each source to have a generic notice of the license name and references to more detailed information on copyright holders and full license terms. Our `Copyright.txt` file now contains a list of Contributors whose names appeared source-level copyright notices. It also references version control history for more precise information. Therefore we no longer need to spell out the list of Contributors in each source file notice. Replace CMake per-source copyright/license notice headers with a short description of the license and links to `Copyright.txt` and online information available from "". The online URL also handles cases of modules being copied out of our source into other projects, so we can drop our notices about replacing links with full license text. Run the `Utilities/Scripts/filter-notices.bash` script to perform the majority of the replacements mechanically. Manually fix up shebang lines and trailing newlines in a few files. Manually update the notices in a few files that the script does not handle.
2016-09-27 15:01:08 -04:00
/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
file Copyright.txt or for details. */
#pragma once
#include <string>
// Vocabulary:
static const std::string kDIRTY_SIGNAL = "dirty";
static const std::string kFILE_CHANGE_SIGNAL = "fileChange";
static const std::string kCACHE_TYPE = "cache";
static const std::string kCMAKE_INPUTS_TYPE = "cmakeInputs";
static const std::string kCODE_MODEL_TYPE = "codemodel";
static const std::string kCOMPUTE_TYPE = "compute";
static const std::string kCONFIGURE_TYPE = "configure";
static const std::string kERROR_TYPE = "error";
static const std::string kFILESYSTEM_WATCHERS_TYPE = "fileSystemWatchers";
static const std::string kGLOBAL_SETTINGS_TYPE = "globalSettings";
static const std::string kHANDSHAKE_TYPE = "handshake";
static const std::string kMESSAGE_TYPE = "message";
static const std::string kPROGRESS_TYPE = "progress";
static const std::string kREPLY_TYPE = "reply";
static const std::string kSET_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_TYPE = "setGlobalSettings";
static const std::string kSIGNAL_TYPE = "signal";
static const std::string kARTIFACTS_KEY = "artifacts";
static const std::string kBUILD_DIRECTORY_KEY = "buildDirectory";
static const std::string kBUILD_FILES_KEY = "buildFiles";
static const std::string kCACHE_ARGUMENTS_KEY = "cacheArguments";
static const std::string kCACHE_KEY = "cache";
static const std::string kCAPABILITIES_KEY = "capabilities";
static const std::string kCHECK_SYSTEM_VARS_KEY = "checkSystemVars";
static const std::string kCMAKE_ROOT_DIRECTORY_KEY = "cmakeRootDirectory";
static const std::string kCOMPILE_FLAGS_KEY = "compileFlags";
static const std::string kCONFIGURATIONS_KEY = "configurations";
static const std::string kCOOKIE_KEY = "cookie";
static const std::string kDEBUG_OUTPUT_KEY = "debugOutput";
static const std::string kDEFINES_KEY = "defines";
static const std::string kERROR_MESSAGE_KEY = "errorMessage";
static const std::string kEXTRA_GENERATOR_KEY = "extraGenerator";
static const std::string kFILE_GROUPS_KEY = "fileGroups";
static const std::string kFRAMEWORK_PATH_KEY = "frameworkPath";
static const std::string kFULL_NAME_KEY = "fullName";
static const std::string kGENERATOR_KEY = "generator";
static const std::string kINCLUDE_PATH_KEY = "includePath";
static const std::string kIS_CMAKE_KEY = "isCMake";
static const std::string kIS_EXPERIMENTAL_KEY = "isExperimental";
static const std::string kIS_GENERATED_KEY = "isGenerated";
static const std::string kIS_SYSTEM_KEY = "isSystem";
static const std::string kIS_TEMPORARY_KEY = "isTemporary";
static const std::string kKEY_KEY = "key";
static const std::string kKEYS_KEY = "keys";
static const std::string kLANGUAGE_KEY = "language";
static const std::string kLINKER_LANGUAGE_KEY = "linkerLanguage";
static const std::string kLINK_FLAGS_KEY = "linkFlags";
static const std::string kLINK_LANGUAGE_FLAGS_KEY = "linkLanguageFlags";
static const std::string kLINK_LIBRARIES_KEY = "linkLibraries";
static const std::string kLINK_PATH_KEY = "linkPath";
static const std::string kMAJOR_KEY = "major";
static const std::string kMESSAGE_KEY = "message";
static const std::string kMINOR_KEY = "minor";
static const std::string kNAME_KEY = "name";
static const std::string kPATH_KEY = "path";
static const std::string kPROGRESS_CURRENT_KEY = "progressCurrent";
static const std::string kPROGRESS_MAXIMUM_KEY = "progressMaximum";
static const std::string kPROGRESS_MESSAGE_KEY = "progressMessage";
static const std::string kPROGRESS_MINIMUM_KEY = "progressMinimum";
static const std::string kPROJECTS_KEY = "projects";
static const std::string kPROPERTIES_KEY = "properties";
static const std::string kPROTOCOL_VERSION_KEY = "protocolVersion";
static const std::string kREPLY_TO_KEY = "inReplyTo";
static const std::string kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY = "sourceDirectory";
static const std::string kSOURCES_KEY = "sources";
static const std::string kSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_VERSIONS =
static const std::string kSYSROOT_KEY = "sysroot";
static const std::string kTARGETS_KEY = "targets";
static const std::string kTITLE_KEY = "title";
static const std::string kTRACE_EXPAND_KEY = "traceExpand";
static const std::string kTRACE_KEY = "trace";
static const std::string kTYPE_KEY = "type";
static const std::string kVALUE_KEY = "value";
static const std::string kWARN_UNINITIALIZED_KEY = "warnUninitialized";
static const std::string kWARN_UNUSED_CLI_KEY = "warnUnusedCli";
static const std::string kWARN_UNUSED_KEY = "warnUnused";
static const std::string kWATCHED_DIRECTORIES_KEY = "watchedDirectories";
static const std::string kWATCHED_FILES_KEY = "watchedFiles";
static const std::string kSTART_MAGIC = "[== CMake Server ==[";
static const std::string kEND_MAGIC = "]== CMake Server ==]";
static const std::string kRENAME_PROPERTY_VALUE = "rename";
static const std::string kCHANGE_PROPERTY_VALUE = "change";