2001-11-04 18:05:21 -05:00
#include "cmCursesStringWidget.h"
2001-12-04 11:16:04 -05:00
#include "cmCursesForm.h"
2001-11-04 18:05:21 -05:00
inline int ctrl(int z)
return (z&037);
cmCursesStringWidget::cmCursesStringWidget(int width, int height,
int left, int top) :
cmCursesWidget(width, height, left, top)
m_InEdit = false;
m_Type = cmCacheManager::STRING;
set_field_fore(m_Field, A_NORMAL);
set_field_back(m_Field, A_STANDOUT);
field_opts_off(m_Field, O_STATIC);
bool cmCursesStringWidget::HandleInput(int& key, FORM* form, WINDOW* w)
// 10 == enter
if (!m_InEdit && ( key != 10 ) )
return false;
char* originalStr=0;
2001-12-04 11:16:04 -05:00
char debugMessage[128];
2001-11-04 18:05:21 -05:00
// <Enter> is used to change edit mode (like <Esc> in vi).
2001-12-04 11:16:04 -05:00
sprintf(debugMessage, "String widget handling input, key: %d", key);
2001-11-05 22:10:52 -05:00
// If resize occured during edit, move out of edit mode
if (!m_InEdit && ( key != 10 && key != KEY_ENTER ) )
2001-11-04 18:05:21 -05:00
return false;
// 10 == enter
2001-11-05 22:10:52 -05:00
if (key == 10 || key == KEY_ENTER)
2001-11-04 18:05:21 -05:00
if (m_InEdit)
2001-12-04 11:16:04 -05:00
cmCursesForm::LogMessage("String widget leaving edit.");
2001-11-04 18:05:21 -05:00
m_InEdit = false;
delete[] originalStr;
// trick to force forms to update the field buffer
form_driver(form, REQ_NEXT_FIELD);
form_driver(form, REQ_PREV_FIELD);
return true;
2001-12-04 11:16:04 -05:00
cmCursesForm::LogMessage("String widget entering edit.");
2001-11-04 18:05:21 -05:00
m_InEdit = true;
char* buf = field_buffer(m_Field, 0);
originalStr = new char[strlen(buf)+1];
strcpy(originalStr, buf);
2001-11-30 15:04:25 -05:00
else if ( key == KEY_DOWN || key == ctrl('n') ||
key == KEY_UP || key == ctrl('p') ||
key == KEY_NPAGE || key == ctrl('d') ||
key == KEY_PPAGE || key == ctrl('u'))
m_InEdit = false;
delete[] originalStr;
// trick to force forms to update the field buffer
form_driver(form, REQ_NEXT_FIELD);
form_driver(form, REQ_PREV_FIELD);
return false;
2001-11-05 22:10:52 -05:00
// esc
2001-11-04 18:05:21 -05:00
else if (key == 27)
if (m_InEdit)
m_InEdit = false;
delete[] originalStr;
return true;
else if ( key == KEY_LEFT || key == ctrl('b') )
form_driver(form, REQ_PREV_CHAR);
else if ( key == KEY_RIGHT || key == ctrl('f') )
form_driver(form, REQ_NEXT_CHAR);
2001-11-05 22:10:52 -05:00
else if ( key == ctrl('k') )
form_driver(form, REQ_CLR_EOL);
else if ( key == ctrl('a') )
form_driver(form, REQ_BEG_FIELD);
else if ( key == ctrl('e') )
form_driver(form, REQ_END_FIELD);
else if ( key == ctrl('d') || key == 127 ||
key == KEY_BACKSPACE || key == KEY_DC )
2001-11-04 18:05:21 -05:00
form_driver(form, REQ_DEL_PREV);
form_driver(form, key);
void cmCursesStringWidget::SetString(const char* value)
const char* cmCursesStringWidget::GetString()
return this->GetValue();
const char* cmCursesStringWidget::GetValue()
return field_buffer(m_Field, 0);