2001-06-10 18:19:16 -04:00
# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid)
version 1.0009
header_name {.h}
code_name {.cxx}
gridx 5
gridy 5
snap 3
class CMakeSetupGUI {open
} {
2001-07-19 14:31:24 -04:00
Function {CMakeSetupGUI()} {open
2001-06-10 18:19:16 -04:00
} {
Fl_Window dialogWindow {
2001-06-21 07:37:49 -04:00
label CMakeSetupDialog
2001-07-19 14:31:24 -04:00
callback {recentSourceDirectoriesBrowser->hide();
2001-10-27 23:47:23 -04:00
xywh {646 144 562 373} resizable visible
2001-06-10 18:19:16 -04:00
} {
Fl_Input sourcePathTextInput {
label {Where is the source code: }
callback {SetSourcePath( sourcePathTextInput->value() );}
xywh {219 15 200 20} labelsize 11 when 8 textsize 11
Fl_Button {} {
label {Browse...}
callback {BrowseForSourcePath();}
2001-07-19 14:31:24 -04:00
xywh {453 14 65 22} shortcut 0x80073 labelsize 11
2001-06-10 18:19:16 -04:00
Fl_Input binaryPathTextInput {
label {Where do you want to build the binaries: }
2001-06-21 07:37:49 -04:00
callback {SetBinaryPath( binaryPathTextInput->value() );}
2001-06-10 18:19:16 -04:00
xywh {219 50 200 20} labelsize 11 when 8 textsize 11
Fl_Button {} {
label {Browse...}
callback {BrowseForBinaryPath();}
2001-07-19 14:31:24 -04:00
xywh {453 49 65 22} shortcut 0x80062 labelsize 11
2001-06-10 18:19:16 -04:00
2001-10-27 23:47:23 -04:00
Fl_Button m_CancelButton {
2001-10-28 18:52:51 -05:00
label Cancel
2001-10-27 23:47:23 -04:00
callback {ClickOnCancel();}
2001-10-28 18:52:51 -05:00
xywh {390 332 100 23} shortcut 0x80071 labelsize 11
2001-06-10 18:19:16 -04:00
2001-10-27 23:47:23 -04:00
Fl_Button m_ConfigureButton {
2001-10-28 18:52:51 -05:00
label Configure
2001-10-27 23:47:23 -04:00
callback {ClickOnConfigure();}
2001-10-28 18:52:51 -05:00
xywh {105 332 100 23} shortcut 0x8006d labelsize 11
2001-06-10 18:19:16 -04:00
2001-07-19 14:31:24 -04:00
Fl_Group {} {
2001-06-10 18:19:16 -04:00
xywh {25 80 515 222} box ENGRAVED_BOX labelsize 11 align 0 resizable
} {
Fl_Scroll cacheValuesScroll {
label {Cache Values} open
xywh {40 98 485 190} type BOTH_ALWAYS box DOWN_FRAME labelsize 11 align 5 when 1 resizable
} {
2001-06-12 08:34:29 -04:00
Fl_Pack propertyListPack {
2001-06-10 18:19:16 -04:00
xywh {40 99 485 185} resizable
} {}
Fl_Box {} {
label {Right click on cache entries for additional options}
2001-10-27 23:47:23 -04:00
xywh {160 305 275 25} labelsize 11
2001-06-10 18:19:16 -04:00
2001-07-19 14:31:24 -04:00
Fl_Button {} {
label {@\#2>}
callback {ShowRecentSourceDirectories();}
xywh {420 15 22 21} labeltype SYMBOL_LABEL
Fl_Button {} {
label {@\#2>}
callback {ShowRecentBinaryDirectories();}
xywh {420 50 22 21} labeltype SYMBOL_LABEL
Fl_Browser recentSourceDirectoriesBrowser {
callback {SelectOneRecentSourceDirectory();}
xywh {15 35 535 115} type Hold box BORDER_BOX hide
Fl_Browser recentBinaryDirectoriesBrowser {
callback {SelectOneRecentBinaryDirectory();}
xywh {15 70 535 115} type Hold box BORDER_BOX hide
2001-10-27 23:47:23 -04:00
Fl_Button m_OKButton {
2001-10-28 18:52:51 -05:00
label OK
2001-10-27 23:47:23 -04:00
callback {ClickOnOK();} selected
2001-10-28 18:52:51 -05:00
xywh {250 332 100 23} shortcut 0x8006d labelsize 11
2001-10-27 23:47:23 -04:00
2001-06-10 18:19:16 -04:00
Function {~CMakeSetupGUI()} {} {}
Function {Close(void)} {return_type {virtual void}
} {}
Function {BrowseForSourcePath(void)} {return_type {virtual void}
} {}
Function {BrowseForBinaryPath(void)} {return_type {virtual void}
} {}
Function {Show(void)} {return_type {virtual void}
} {}
2001-06-12 08:34:29 -04:00
Function {SetBinaryPath(const char *)} {return_type {virtual bool}
2001-06-10 18:19:16 -04:00
} {}
2001-06-12 08:34:29 -04:00
Function {SetSourcePath(const char *)} {return_type {virtual bool}
2001-06-10 18:19:16 -04:00
} {}
2001-07-19 14:31:24 -04:00
Function {ShowRecentBinaryDirectories(void)} {return_type {virtual void}
} {}
Function {ShowRecentSourceDirectories(void)} {return_type {virtual void}
} {}
Function {SelectOneRecentBinaryDirectory(void)} {return_type {virtual void}
} {}
Function {SelectOneRecentSourceDirectory(void)} {return_type {virtual void}
} {}
2001-10-27 23:47:23 -04:00
Function {ClickOnConfigure(void)} {return_type {virtual void}
} {}
Function {ClickOnOK(void)} {return_type {virtual void}
} {}
Function {ClickOnCancel(void)} {return_type {virtual void}
} {}
2001-06-10 18:19:16 -04:00