2015-02-12 17:13:31 +01:00
# This is an undocumented internal helper for the FindMatlab
# module ``matlab_add_unit_test`` command.
# Copyright 2014-2015 Raffi Enficiaud, Max Planck Society
# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License");
# see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
# This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
# See the License for more information.
# (To distribute this file outside of CMake, substitute the full
# License text for the above reference.)
# Usage: cmake
# -Dtest_timeout=180
# -Doutput_directory=
# -Dadditional_paths=""
# -Dno_unittest_framework=""
# -DMatlab_PROGRAM=matlab_exe_location
# -Dtest_name=name_of_the_test
# -Dcmd_to_run_before_test=""
# -Dunittest_file_to_run
# -P FindMatlab_TestsRedirect.cmake
set ( Matlab_UNIT_TESTS_CMD -nosplash -nojvm -nodesktop -nodisplay ${ Matlab_ADDITIONNAL_STARTUP_OPTIONS } )
if ( WIN32 )
set ( Matlab_UNIT_TESTS_CMD ${ Matlab_UNIT_TESTS_CMD } -wait )
endif ( )
if ( NOT test_timeout )
set ( test_timeout 180 )
endif ( )
if ( NOT cmd_to_run_before_test )
set ( cmd_to_run_before_test )
endif ( )
get_filename_component ( unittest_file_directory "${unittest_file_to_run}" DIRECTORY )
get_filename_component ( unittest_file_to_run_name "${unittest_file_to_run}" NAME_WE )
set ( concat_string ' ${ unittest_file_directory } ' )
foreach ( s IN LISTS additional_paths )
if ( NOT "${s}" STREQUAL "" )
2016-07-28 00:41:13 +02:00
string ( APPEND concat_string ", '${s}'" )
2015-02-12 17:13:31 +01:00
endif ( )
endforeach ( )
set ( unittest_to_run "runtests('${unittest_file_to_run_name}'), exit(max([ans(1,:).Failed]))" )
if ( no_unittest_framework )
set ( unittest_to_run "try, ${unittest_file_to_run_name}, catch err, disp('An exception has been thrown during the execution'), disp(err), disp(err.stack), exit(1), end, exit(0)" )
endif ( )
set ( Matlab_SCRIPT_TO_RUN
" addpath ( ${ concat_string } ) , p a t h , $ { c m d _ t o _ r u n _ b e f o r e _ t e s t } , $ { u n i t t e s t _ t o _ r u n } "
set ( Matlab_LOG_FILE "${output_directory}/${test_name}.log" )
set ( devnull )
if ( UNIX )
set ( devnull INPUT_FILE /dev/null )
elseif ( WIN32 )
set ( devnull INPUT_FILE NUL )
endif ( )
execute_process (
C O M M A N D " $ { M a t l a b _ P R O G R A M } " $ { M a t l a b _ U N I T _ T E S T S _ C M D } - l o g f i l e " $ { t e s t _ n a m e } . l o g " - r " $ { M a t l a b _ S C R I P T _ T O _ R U N } "
R E S U L T _ V A R I A B L E r e s
T I M E O U T $ { t e s t _ t i m e o u t }
O U T P U T _ Q U I E T # we do not want the output twice
W O R K I N G _ D I R E C T O R Y " $ { o u t p u t _ d i r e c t o r y } "
$ { d e v n u l l }
if ( NOT EXISTS ${ Matlab_LOG_FILE } )
message ( FATAL_ERROR "[MATLAB] ERROR: cannot find the log file ${Matlab_LOG_FILE}" )
endif ( )
# print the output in any case.
file ( READ ${ Matlab_LOG_FILE } matlab_log_content )
message ( "Matlab test ${name_of_the_test} output:\n${matlab_log_content}" ) # if we put FATAL_ERROR here, the file is indented.
if ( NOT ( res EQUAL 0 ) )
endif ( )