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Simplify CMake per-source license notices Per-source copyright/license notice headers that spell out copyright holder names and years are hard to maintain and often out-of-date or plain wrong. Precise contributor information is already maintained automatically by the version control tool. Ultimately it is the receiver of a file who is responsible for determining its licensing status, and per-source notices are merely a convenience. Therefore it is simpler and more accurate for each source to have a generic notice of the license name and references to more detailed information on copyright holders and full license terms. Our `Copyright.txt` file now contains a list of Contributors whose names appeared source-level copyright notices. It also references version control history for more precise information. Therefore we no longer need to spell out the list of Contributors in each source file notice. Replace CMake per-source copyright/license notice headers with a short description of the license and links to `Copyright.txt` and online information available from "". The online URL also handles cases of modules being copied out of our source into other projects, so we can drop our notices about replacing links with full license text. Run the `Utilities/Scripts/filter-notices.bash` script to perform the majority of the replacements mechanically. Manually fix up shebang lines and trailing newlines in a few files. Manually update the notices in a few files that the script does not handle.
2016-09-27 15:01:08 -04:00
/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
file Copyright.txt or for details. */
#include "cmServerProtocol.h"
#include "cmCacheManager.h"
#include "cmExternalMakefileProjectGenerator.h"
#include "cmFileMonitor.h"
#include "cmGeneratorTarget.h"
#include "cmGlobalGenerator.h"
#include "cmListFileCache.h"
#include "cmLocalGenerator.h"
#include "cmMakefile.h"
#include "cmServer.h"
#include "cmServerDictionary.h"
#include "cmSourceFile.h"
#include "cmSystemTools.h"
#include "cmake.h"
#include "cmServerDictionary.h"
#include "cm_jsoncpp_reader.h"
#include "cm_jsoncpp_value.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// Get rid of some windows macros:
#undef max
namespace {
static std::vector<std::string> getConfigurations(const cmake* cm)
std::vector<std::string> configurations;
auto makefiles = cm->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetMakefiles();
if (makefiles.empty()) {
return configurations;
if (configurations.empty())
return configurations;
static bool hasString(const Json::Value& v, const std::string& s)
return !v.isNull() &&
std::find_if(v.begin(), v.end(), [s](const Json::Value& i) {
return i.asString() == s;
}) != v.end();
template <class T>
static Json::Value fromStringList(const T& in)
Json::Value result = Json::arrayValue;
for (const std::string& i : in) {
return result;
static std::vector<std::string> toStringList(const Json::Value& in)
std::vector<std::string> result;
for (const auto& it : in) {
return result;
static void getCMakeInputs(const cmGlobalGenerator* gg,
const std::string& sourceDir,
const std::string& buildDir,
std::vector<std::string>* internalFiles,
std::vector<std::string>* explicitFiles,
std::vector<std::string>* tmpFiles)
const std::string cmakeRootDir = cmSystemTools::GetCMakeRoot() + '/';
const std::vector<cmMakefile*> makefiles = gg->GetMakefiles();
for (auto it = makefiles.begin(); it != makefiles.end(); ++it) {
const std::vector<std::string> listFiles = (*it)->GetListFiles();
for (auto jt = listFiles.begin(); jt != listFiles.end(); ++jt) {
const std::string startOfFile = jt->substr(0, cmakeRootDir.size());
const bool isInternal = (startOfFile == cmakeRootDir);
const bool isTemporary = !isInternal && (jt->find(buildDir + '/') == 0);
std::string toAdd = *jt;
if (!sourceDir.empty()) {
const std::string& relative =
cmSystemTools::RelativePath(sourceDir.c_str(), jt->c_str());
if (toAdd.size() > relative.size())
toAdd = relative;
if (isInternal) {
if (internalFiles)
} else {
if (isTemporary) {
if (tmpFiles)
} else {
if (explicitFiles)
} // namespace
cmServerRequest::cmServerRequest(cmServer* server, const std::string& t,
const std::string& c, const Json::Value& d)
: Type(t)
, Cookie(c)
, Data(d)
, m_Server(server)
void cmServerRequest::ReportProgress(int min, int current, int max,
const std::string& message) const
this->m_Server->WriteProgress(*this, min, current, max, message);
void cmServerRequest::ReportMessage(const std::string& message,
const std::string& title) const
m_Server->WriteMessage(*this, message, title);
cmServerResponse cmServerRequest::Reply(const Json::Value& data) const
cmServerResponse response(*this);
return response;
cmServerResponse cmServerRequest::ReportError(const std::string& message) const
cmServerResponse response(*this);
return response;
cmServerResponse::cmServerResponse(const cmServerRequest& request)
: Type(request.Type)
, Cookie(request.Cookie)
void cmServerResponse::SetData(const Json::Value& data)
assert(this->m_Payload == PAYLOAD_UNKNOWN);
if (!data[kCOOKIE_KEY].isNull() || !data[kTYPE_KEY].isNull()) {
this->SetError("Response contains cookie or type field.");
this->m_Payload = PAYLOAD_DATA;
this->m_Data = data;
void cmServerResponse::SetError(const std::string& message)
assert(this->m_Payload == PAYLOAD_UNKNOWN);
this->m_Payload = PAYLOAD_ERROR;
this->m_ErrorMessage = message;
bool cmServerResponse::IsComplete() const
return this->m_Payload != PAYLOAD_UNKNOWN;
bool cmServerResponse::IsError() const
assert(this->m_Payload != PAYLOAD_UNKNOWN);
return this->m_Payload == PAYLOAD_ERROR;
std::string cmServerResponse::ErrorMessage() const
if (this->m_Payload == PAYLOAD_ERROR) {
return this->m_ErrorMessage;
return std::string();
Json::Value cmServerResponse::Data() const
assert(this->m_Payload != PAYLOAD_UNKNOWN);
return this->m_Data;
bool cmServerProtocol::Activate(cmServer* server,
const cmServerRequest& request,
std::string* errorMessage)
this->m_Server = server;
this->m_CMakeInstance = std::make_unique<cmake>();
const bool result = this->DoActivate(request, errorMessage);
if (!result) {
this->m_CMakeInstance = CM_NULLPTR;
return result;
cmFileMonitor* cmServerProtocol::FileMonitor() const
return this->m_Server ? this->m_Server->FileMonitor() : nullptr;
void cmServerProtocol::SendSignal(const std::string& name,
const Json::Value& data) const
if (this->m_Server) {
this->m_Server->WriteSignal(name, data);
cmake* cmServerProtocol::CMakeInstance() const
return this->m_CMakeInstance.get();
bool cmServerProtocol::DoActivate(const cmServerRequest& /*request*/,
std::string* /*errorMessage*/)
return true;
std::pair<int, int> cmServerProtocol1_0::ProtocolVersion() const
return std::make_pair(1, 0);
static void setErrorMessage(std::string* errorMessage, const std::string& text)
if (errorMessage) {
*errorMessage = text;
static bool testValue(cmState* state, const std::string& key,
std::string& value, const std::string& keyDescription,
std::string* errorMessage)
const std::string cachedValue = std::string(state->GetCacheEntryValue(key));
if (!cachedValue.empty() && !value.empty() && cachedValue != value) {
setErrorMessage(errorMessage, std::string("\"") + key +
"\" is set but incompatible with configured " +
keyDescription + " value.");
return false;
if (value.empty()) {
value = cachedValue;
return true;
bool cmServerProtocol1_0::DoActivate(const cmServerRequest& request,
std::string* errorMessage)
std::string sourceDirectory = request.Data[kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY].asString();
const std::string buildDirectory =
std::string generator = request.Data[kGENERATOR_KEY].asString();
std::string extraGenerator = request.Data[kEXTRA_GENERATOR_KEY].asString();
std::string toolset = request.Data[kTOOLSET_KEY].asString();
std::string platform = request.Data[kPLATFORM_KEY].asString();
if (buildDirectory.empty()) {
setErrorMessage(errorMessage, std::string("\"") + kBUILD_DIRECTORY_KEY +
"\" is missing.");
return false;
cmake* cm = CMakeInstance();
if (cmSystemTools::PathExists(buildDirectory)) {
if (!cmSystemTools::FileIsDirectory(buildDirectory)) {
setErrorMessage(errorMessage, std::string("\"") + kBUILD_DIRECTORY_KEY +
"\" exists but is not a directory.");
return false;
const std::string cachePath = cm->FindCacheFile(buildDirectory);
if (cm->LoadCache(cachePath)) {
cmState* state = cm->GetState();
// Check generator:
if (!testValue(state, "CMAKE_GENERATOR", generator, "generator",
errorMessage)) {
return false;
// check extra generator:
if (!testValue(state, "CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR", extraGenerator,
"extra generator", errorMessage)) {
return false;
// check sourcedir:
if (!testValue(state, "CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY", sourceDirectory,
"source directory", errorMessage)) {
return false;
// check toolset:
if (!testValue(state, "CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET", toolset, "toolset",
errorMessage)) {
return false;
// check platform:
if (!testValue(state, "CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM", platform, "platform",
errorMessage)) {
return false;
if (sourceDirectory.empty()) {
setErrorMessage(errorMessage, std::string("\"") + kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY +
"\" is unset but required.");
return false;
if (!cmSystemTools::FileIsDirectory(sourceDirectory)) {
setErrorMessage(errorMessage, std::string("\"") + kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY +
"\" is not a directory.");
return false;
if (generator.empty()) {
setErrorMessage(errorMessage, std::string("\"") + kGENERATOR_KEY +
"\" is unset but required.");
return false;
std::vector<cmake::GeneratorInfo> generators;
auto baseIt = std::find_if(generators.begin(), generators.end(),
[&generator](const cmake::GeneratorInfo& info) {
return == generator;
if (baseIt == generators.end()) {
setErrorMessage(errorMessage, std::string("Generator \"") + generator +
"\" not supported.");
return false;
auto extraIt = std::find_if(
generators.begin(), generators.end(),
[&generator, &extraGenerator](const cmake::GeneratorInfo& info) {
return info.baseName == generator && info.extraName == extraGenerator;
if (extraIt == generators.end()) {
std::string("The combination of generator \"" + generator +
"\" and extra generator \"" + extraGenerator +
"\" is not supported."));
return false;
if (!extraIt->supportsToolset && !toolset.empty()) {
std::string("Toolset was provided but is not supported by "
"the requested generator."));
return false;
if (!extraIt->supportsPlatform && !platform.empty()) {
std::string("Platform was provided but is not supported "
"by the requested generator."));
return false;
this->GeneratorInfo =
GeneratorInformation(generator, extraGenerator, toolset, platform,
sourceDirectory, buildDirectory);
this->m_State = STATE_ACTIVE;
return true;
void cmServerProtocol1_0::HandleCMakeFileChanges(const std::string& path,
int event, int status)
assert(status == 0);
if (!m_isDirty) {
m_isDirty = true;
SendSignal(kDIRTY_SIGNAL, Json::objectValue);
Json::Value obj = Json::objectValue;
obj[kPATH_KEY] = path;
Json::Value properties = Json::arrayValue;
if (event & UV_RENAME) {
if (event & UV_CHANGE) {
obj[kPROPERTIES_KEY] = properties;
SendSignal(kFILE_CHANGE_SIGNAL, obj);
const cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1_0::Process(
const cmServerRequest& request)
assert(this->m_State >= STATE_ACTIVE);
if (request.Type == kCACHE_TYPE) {
return this->ProcessCache(request);
if (request.Type == kCMAKE_INPUTS_TYPE) {
return this->ProcessCMakeInputs(request);
if (request.Type == kCODE_MODEL_TYPE) {
return this->ProcessCodeModel(request);
if (request.Type == kCOMPUTE_TYPE) {
return this->ProcessCompute(request);
if (request.Type == kCONFIGURE_TYPE) {
return this->ProcessConfigure(request);
if (request.Type == kFILESYSTEM_WATCHERS_TYPE) {
return this->ProcessFileSystemWatchers(request);
if (request.Type == kGLOBAL_SETTINGS_TYPE) {
return this->ProcessGlobalSettings(request);
if (request.Type == kSET_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_TYPE) {
return this->ProcessSetGlobalSettings(request);
return request.ReportError("Unknown command!");
bool cmServerProtocol1_0::IsExperimental() const
return true;
cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1_0::ProcessCache(
const cmServerRequest& request)
if (this->m_State < STATE_CONFIGURED) {
return request.ReportError("This project was not configured yet.");
cmState* state = this->CMakeInstance()->GetState();
Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
std::vector<std::string> allKeys = state->GetCacheEntryKeys();
Json::Value list = Json::arrayValue;
std::vector<std::string> keys = toStringList(request.Data[kKEYS_KEY]);
if (keys.empty()) {
keys = allKeys;
} else {
for (auto i : keys) {
if (std::find_if(allKeys.begin(), allKeys.end(),
[i](const std::string& j) { return i == j; }) ==
allKeys.end()) {
return request.ReportError("Key \"" + i + "\" not found in cache.");
std::sort(keys.begin(), keys.end());
for (auto key : keys) {
Json::Value entry = Json::objectValue;
entry[kKEY_KEY] = key;
entry[kTYPE_KEY] =
entry[kVALUE_KEY] = state->GetCacheEntryValue(key);
Json::Value props = Json::objectValue;
bool haveProperties = false;
for (auto prop : state->GetCacheEntryPropertyList(key)) {
haveProperties = true;
props[prop] = state->GetCacheEntryProperty(key, prop);
if (haveProperties) {
entry[kPROPERTIES_KEY] = props;
result[kCACHE_KEY] = list;
return request.Reply(result);
cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1_0::ProcessCMakeInputs(
const cmServerRequest& request)
if (this->m_State < STATE_CONFIGURED) {
return request.ReportError("This instance was not yet configured.");
const cmake* cm = this->CMakeInstance();
const cmGlobalGenerator* gg = cm->GetGlobalGenerator();
const std::string cmakeRootDir = cmSystemTools::GetCMakeRoot();
const std::string buildDir = cm->GetHomeOutputDirectory();
const std::string sourceDir = cm->GetHomeDirectory();
Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
result[kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY] = sourceDir;
result[kCMAKE_ROOT_DIRECTORY_KEY] = cmakeRootDir;
std::vector<std::string> internalFiles;
std::vector<std::string> explicitFiles;
std::vector<std::string> tmpFiles;
getCMakeInputs(gg, sourceDir, buildDir, &internalFiles, &explicitFiles,
Json::Value array = Json::arrayValue;
Json::Value tmp = Json::objectValue;
tmp[kIS_CMAKE_KEY] = true;
tmp[kIS_TEMPORARY_KEY] = false;
tmp[kSOURCES_KEY] = fromStringList(internalFiles);
tmp = Json::objectValue;
tmp[kIS_CMAKE_KEY] = false;
tmp[kIS_TEMPORARY_KEY] = false;
tmp[kSOURCES_KEY] = fromStringList(explicitFiles);
tmp = Json::objectValue;
tmp[kIS_CMAKE_KEY] = false;
tmp[kIS_TEMPORARY_KEY] = true;
tmp[kSOURCES_KEY] = fromStringList(tmpFiles);
result[kBUILD_FILES_KEY] = array;
return request.Reply(result);
class LanguageData
bool operator==(const LanguageData& other) const;
void SetDefines(const std::set<std::string>& defines);
bool IsGenerated = false;
std::string Language;
std::string Flags;
std::vector<std::string> Defines;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, bool> > IncludePathList;
bool LanguageData::operator==(const LanguageData& other) const
return Language == other.Language && Defines == other.Defines &&
Flags == other.Flags && IncludePathList == other.IncludePathList &&
IsGenerated == other.IsGenerated;
void LanguageData::SetDefines(const std::set<std::string>& defines)
std::vector<std::string> result;
for (auto i : defines) {
std::sort(result.begin(), result.end());
Defines = result;
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<LanguageData>
std::size_t operator()(const LanguageData& in) const
using std::hash;
size_t result =
hash<std::string>()(in.Language) ^ hash<std::string>()(in.Flags);
for (auto i : in.IncludePathList) {
result = result ^ (hash<std::string>()(i.first) ^
(i.second ? std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() : 0));
for (auto i : in.Defines) {
result = result ^ hash<std::string>()(i);
result =
result ^ (in.IsGenerated ? std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() : 0);
return result;
} // namespace std
static Json::Value DumpSourceFileGroup(const LanguageData& data,
const std::vector<std::string>& files,
const std::string& baseDir)
Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
if (!data.Language.empty()) {
result[kLANGUAGE_KEY] = data.Language;
if (!data.Flags.empty()) {
result[kCOMPILE_FLAGS_KEY] = data.Flags;
if (!data.IncludePathList.empty()) {
Json::Value includes = Json::arrayValue;
for (auto i : data.IncludePathList) {
Json::Value tmp = Json::objectValue;
tmp[kPATH_KEY] = i.first;
if (i.second) {
tmp[kIS_SYSTEM_KEY] = i.second;
result[kINCLUDE_PATH_KEY] = includes;
if (!data.Defines.empty()) {
result[kDEFINES_KEY] = fromStringList(data.Defines);
result[kIS_GENERATED_KEY] = data.IsGenerated;
Json::Value sourcesValue = Json::arrayValue;
for (auto i : files) {
const std::string relPath =
cmSystemTools::RelativePath(baseDir.c_str(), i.c_str());
sourcesValue.append(relPath.size() < i.size() ? relPath : i);
result[kSOURCES_KEY] = sourcesValue;
return result;
static Json::Value DumpSourceFilesList(
cmGeneratorTarget* target, const std::string& config,
const std::map<std::string, LanguageData>& languageDataMap)
// Collect sourcefile groups:
std::vector<cmSourceFile*> files;
target->GetSourceFiles(files, config);
std::unordered_map<LanguageData, std::vector<std::string> > fileGroups;
for (cmSourceFile* file : files) {
LanguageData fileData;
fileData.Language = file->GetLanguage();
if (!fileData.Language.empty()) {
const LanguageData& ld =;
cmLocalGenerator* lg = target->GetLocalGenerator();
std::string compileFlags = ld.Flags;
lg->AppendFlags(compileFlags, file->GetProperty("COMPILE_FLAGS"));
fileData.Flags = compileFlags;
fileData.IncludePathList = ld.IncludePathList;
std::set<std::string> defines;
lg->AppendDefines(defines, file->GetProperty("COMPILE_DEFINITIONS"));
const std::string defPropName =
"COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_" + cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config);
lg->AppendDefines(defines, file->GetProperty(defPropName));
defines.insert(ld.Defines.begin(), ld.Defines.end());
fileData.IsGenerated = file->GetPropertyAsBool("GENERATED");
std::vector<std::string>& groupFileList = fileGroups[fileData];
const std::string baseDir = target->Makefile->GetCurrentSourceDirectory();
Json::Value result = Json::arrayValue;
for (auto it = fileGroups.begin(); it != fileGroups.end(); ++it) {
Json::Value group = DumpSourceFileGroup(it->first, it->second, baseDir);
if (!group.isNull())
return result;
static Json::Value DumpTarget(cmGeneratorTarget* target,
const std::string& config)
cmLocalGenerator* lg = target->GetLocalGenerator();
const cmState* state = lg->GetState();
const cmState::TargetType type = target->GetType();
const std::string typeName = state->GetTargetTypeName(type);
Json::Value ttl = Json::arrayValue;
if (!hasString(ttl, typeName) || target->IsImported()) {
return Json::Value();
Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
result[kNAME_KEY] = target->GetName();
result[kTYPE_KEY] = typeName;
result[kFULL_NAME_KEY] = target->GetFullName(config);
result[kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY] = lg->GetCurrentSourceDirectory();
result[kBUILD_DIRECTORY_KEY] = lg->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory();
if (target->HaveWellDefinedOutputFiles()) {
Json::Value artifacts = Json::arrayValue;
artifacts.append(target->GetFullPath(config, false));
if (target->IsDLLPlatform()) {
artifacts.append(target->GetFullPath(config, true));
const cmGeneratorTarget::OutputInfo* output =
if (output && !output->PdbDir.empty()) {
artifacts.append(output->PdbDir + '/' + target->GetPDBName(config));
result[kARTIFACTS_KEY] = artifacts;
result[kLINKER_LANGUAGE_KEY] = target->GetLinkerLanguage(config);
std::string linkLibs;
std::string linkFlags;
std::string linkLanguageFlags;
std::string frameworkPath;
std::string linkPath;
lg->GetTargetFlags(config, linkLibs, linkLanguageFlags, linkFlags,
frameworkPath, linkPath, target, false);
linkLibs = cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(linkLibs);
linkFlags = cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(linkFlags);
linkLanguageFlags = cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(linkLanguageFlags);
frameworkPath = cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(frameworkPath);
linkPath = cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(linkPath);
if (!cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(linkLibs).empty()) {
result[kLINK_LIBRARIES_KEY] = linkLibs;
if (!cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(linkFlags).empty()) {
result[kLINK_FLAGS_KEY] = linkFlags;
if (!cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(linkLanguageFlags).empty()) {
result[kLINK_LANGUAGE_FLAGS_KEY] = linkLanguageFlags;
if (!frameworkPath.empty()) {
result[kFRAMEWORK_PATH_KEY] = frameworkPath;
if (!linkPath.empty()) {
result[kLINK_PATH_KEY] = linkPath;
const std::string sysroot =
if (!sysroot.empty()) {
result[kSYSROOT_KEY] = sysroot;
std::set<std::string> languages;
target->GetLanguages(languages, config);
std::map<std::string, LanguageData> languageDataMap;
for (auto lang : languages) {
LanguageData& ld = languageDataMap[lang];
ld.Language = lang;
lg->GetTargetCompileFlags(target, config, lang, ld.Flags);
std::set<std::string> defines;
lg->GetTargetDefines(target, config, lang, defines);
std::vector<std::string> includePathList;
lg->GetIncludeDirectories(includePathList, target, lang, config, true);
for (auto i : includePathList) {
std::make_pair(i, target->IsSystemIncludeDirectory(i, config)));
Json::Value sourceGroupsValue =
DumpSourceFilesList(target, config, languageDataMap);
if (!sourceGroupsValue.empty()) {
result[kFILE_GROUPS_KEY] = sourceGroupsValue;
return result;
static Json::Value DumpTargetsList(
const std::vector<cmLocalGenerator*>& generators, const std::string& config)
Json::Value result = Json::arrayValue;
std::vector<cmGeneratorTarget*> targetList;
for (const auto& lgIt : generators) {
auto list = lgIt->GetGeneratorTargets();
targetList.insert(targetList.end(), list.begin(), list.end());
std::sort(targetList.begin(), targetList.end());
for (cmGeneratorTarget* target : targetList) {
Json::Value tmp = DumpTarget(target, config);
if (!tmp.isNull()) {
return result;
static Json::Value DumpProjectList(const cmake* cm, const std::string config)
Json::Value result = Json::arrayValue;
auto globalGen = cm->GetGlobalGenerator();
for (const auto& projectIt : globalGen->GetProjectMap()) {
Json::Value pObj = Json::objectValue;
pObj[kNAME_KEY] = projectIt.first;
assert(projectIt.second.size() >
0); // All Projects must have at least one local generator
const cmLocalGenerator* lg =;
// Project structure information:
const cmMakefile* mf = lg->GetMakefile();
pObj[kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY] = mf->GetCurrentSourceDirectory();
pObj[kBUILD_DIRECTORY_KEY] = mf->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory();
pObj[kTARGETS_KEY] = DumpTargetsList(projectIt.second, config);
return result;
static Json::Value DumpConfiguration(const cmake* cm,
const std::string& config)
Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
result[kNAME_KEY] = config;
result[kPROJECTS_KEY] = DumpProjectList(cm, config);
return result;
static Json::Value DumpConfigurationsList(const cmake* cm)
Json::Value result = Json::arrayValue;
for (const std::string& c : getConfigurations(cm)) {
result.append(DumpConfiguration(cm, c));
return result;
cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1_0::ProcessCodeModel(
const cmServerRequest& request)
if (this->m_State != STATE_COMPUTED) {
return request.ReportError("No build system was generated yet.");
Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
result[kCONFIGURATIONS_KEY] = DumpConfigurationsList(this->CMakeInstance());
return request.Reply(result);
cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1_0::ProcessCompute(
const cmServerRequest& request)
if (this->m_State > STATE_CONFIGURED) {
return request.ReportError("This build system was already generated.");
if (this->m_State < STATE_CONFIGURED) {
return request.ReportError("This project was not configured yet.");
cmake* cm = this->CMakeInstance();
int ret = cm->Generate();
if (ret < 0) {
return request.ReportError("Failed to compute build system.");
return request.Reply(Json::Value());
cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1_0::ProcessConfigure(
const cmServerRequest& request)
if (this->m_State == STATE_INACTIVE) {
return request.ReportError("This instance is inactive.");
std::string errorMessage;
cmake* cm = this->CMakeInstance();
this->GeneratorInfo.SetupGenerator(cm, &errorMessage);
if (!errorMessage.empty()) {
return request.ReportError(errorMessage);
// Make sure the types of cacheArguments matches (if given):
std::vector<std::string> cacheArgs = { "unused" };
bool cacheArgumentsError = false;
const Json::Value passedArgs = request.Data[kCACHE_ARGUMENTS_KEY];
if (!passedArgs.isNull()) {
if (passedArgs.isString()) {
} else if (passedArgs.isArray()) {
for (auto i = passedArgs.begin(); i != passedArgs.end(); ++i) {
if (!i->isString()) {
cacheArgumentsError = true;
} else {
cacheArgumentsError = true;
if (cacheArgumentsError) {
"cacheArguments must be unset, a string or an array of strings.");
std::string sourceDir = cm->GetHomeDirectory();
const std::string buildDir = cm->GetHomeOutputDirectory();
cmGlobalGenerator* gg = cm->GetGlobalGenerator();
if (buildDir.empty()) {
return request.ReportError("No build directory set via Handshake.");
if (cm->LoadCache(buildDir)) {
// build directory has been set up before
const char* cachedSourceDir =
if (!cachedSourceDir) {
return request.ReportError("No CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY found in cache.");
if (sourceDir.empty()) {
sourceDir = std::string(cachedSourceDir);
const char* cachedGenerator =
if (cachedGenerator) {
if (gg && gg->GetName() != cachedGenerator) {
return request.ReportError("Configured generator does not match with "
"CMAKE_GENERATOR found in cache.");
} else {
// build directory has not been set up before
if (sourceDir.empty()) {
return request.ReportError("No sourceDirectory set via "
"setGlobalSettings and no cache found in "
if (cm->AddCMakePaths() != 1) {
return request.ReportError("Failed to set CMake paths.");
if (!cm->SetCacheArgs(cacheArgs)) {
return request.ReportError("cacheArguments could not be set.");
int ret = cm->Configure();
if (ret < 0) {
return request.ReportError("Configuration failed.");
std::vector<std::string> toWatchList;
getCMakeInputs(gg, std::string(), buildDir, nullptr, &toWatchList, nullptr);
[this](const std::string& p, int e, int s) {
this->HandleCMakeFileChanges(p, e, s);
m_isDirty = false;
return request.Reply(Json::Value());
cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1_0::ProcessGlobalSettings(
const cmServerRequest& request)
cmake* cm = this->CMakeInstance();
Json::Value obj = Json::objectValue;
// Capabilities information:
obj[kCAPABILITIES_KEY] = cm->ReportCapabilitiesJson(true);
obj[kDEBUG_OUTPUT_KEY] = cm->GetDebugOutput();
obj[kTRACE_KEY] = cm->GetTrace();
obj[kTRACE_EXPAND_KEY] = cm->GetTraceExpand();
obj[kWARN_UNINITIALIZED_KEY] = cm->GetWarnUninitialized();
obj[kWARN_UNUSED_KEY] = cm->GetWarnUnused();
obj[kWARN_UNUSED_CLI_KEY] = cm->GetWarnUnusedCli();
obj[kCHECK_SYSTEM_VARS_KEY] = cm->GetCheckSystemVars();
obj[kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY] = this->GeneratorInfo.SourceDirectory;
obj[kBUILD_DIRECTORY_KEY] = this->GeneratorInfo.BuildDirectory;
// Currently used generator:
obj[kGENERATOR_KEY] = this->GeneratorInfo.GeneratorName;
obj[kEXTRA_GENERATOR_KEY] = this->GeneratorInfo.ExtraGeneratorName;
return request.Reply(obj);
static void setBool(const cmServerRequest& request, const std::string& key,
std::function<void(bool)> setter)
if (request.Data[key].isNull()) {
cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1_0::ProcessSetGlobalSettings(
const cmServerRequest& request)
const std::vector<std::string> boolValues = {
for (auto i : boolValues) {
if (!request.Data[i].isNull() && !request.Data[i].isBool()) {
return request.ReportError("\"" + i +
"\" must be unset or a bool value.");
cmake* cm = this->CMakeInstance();
setBool(request, kDEBUG_OUTPUT_KEY,
[cm](bool e) { cm->SetDebugOutputOn(e); });
setBool(request, kTRACE_KEY, [cm](bool e) { cm->SetTrace(e); });
setBool(request, kTRACE_EXPAND_KEY, [cm](bool e) { cm->SetTraceExpand(e); });
[cm](bool e) { cm->SetWarnUninitialized(e); });
setBool(request, kWARN_UNUSED_KEY, [cm](bool e) { cm->SetWarnUnused(e); });
setBool(request, kWARN_UNUSED_CLI_KEY,
[cm](bool e) { cm->SetWarnUnusedCli(e); });
setBool(request, kCHECK_SYSTEM_VARS_KEY,
[cm](bool e) { cm->SetCheckSystemVars(e); });
return request.Reply(Json::Value());
cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1_0::ProcessFileSystemWatchers(
const cmServerRequest& request)
const cmFileMonitor* const fm = FileMonitor();
Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
Json::Value files = Json::arrayValue;
for (const auto& f : fm->WatchedFiles()) {
Json::Value directories = Json::arrayValue;
for (const auto& d : fm->WatchedDirectories()) {
result[kWATCHED_FILES_KEY] = files;
result[kWATCHED_DIRECTORIES_KEY] = directories;
return request.Reply(result);
const std::string& generatorName, const std::string& extraGeneratorName,
const std::string& toolset, const std::string& platform,
const std::string& sourceDirectory, const std::string& buildDirectory)
: GeneratorName(generatorName)
, ExtraGeneratorName(extraGeneratorName)
, Toolset(toolset)
, Platform(platform)
, SourceDirectory(sourceDirectory)
, BuildDirectory(buildDirectory)
void cmServerProtocol1_0::GeneratorInformation::SetupGenerator(
cmake* cm, std::string* errorMessage)
const std::string fullGeneratorName =
GeneratorName, ExtraGeneratorName);
cmGlobalGenerator* gg = cm->CreateGlobalGenerator(fullGeneratorName);
if (!gg) {
std::string("Could not set up the requested combination of \"") +
kGENERATOR_KEY + "\" and \"" + kEXTRA_GENERATOR_KEY + "\"");