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Simplify CMake per-source license notices Per-source copyright/license notice headers that spell out copyright holder names and years are hard to maintain and often out-of-date or plain wrong. Precise contributor information is already maintained automatically by the version control tool. Ultimately it is the receiver of a file who is responsible for determining its licensing status, and per-source notices are merely a convenience. Therefore it is simpler and more accurate for each source to have a generic notice of the license name and references to more detailed information on copyright holders and full license terms. Our `Copyright.txt` file now contains a list of Contributors whose names appeared source-level copyright notices. It also references version control history for more precise information. Therefore we no longer need to spell out the list of Contributors in each source file notice. Replace CMake per-source copyright/license notice headers with a short description of the license and links to `Copyright.txt` and online information available from "". The online URL also handles cases of modules being copied out of our source into other projects, so we can drop our notices about replacing links with full license text. Run the `Utilities/Scripts/filter-notices.bash` script to perform the majority of the replacements mechanically. Manually fix up shebang lines and trailing newlines in a few files. Manually update the notices in a few files that the script does not handle.
2016-09-27 22:01:08 +03:00
/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
file Copyright.txt or for details. */
#include "cmOrderDirectories.h"
#include "cmAlgorithms.h"
#include "cmGeneratorTarget.h"
#include "cmGlobalGenerator.h"
#include "cmSystemTools.h"
#include "cmake.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <assert.h>
#include <functional>
#include <sstream>
Directory ordering computation.
- Useful to compute a safe runtime library path order
- Need runtime path for supporting INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH
- Need runtime path at link time to pickup transitive link dependencies
for shared libraries.
class cmOrderDirectoriesConstraint
cmOrderDirectoriesConstraint(cmOrderDirectories* od, std::string const& file)
: OD(od)
, GlobalGenerator(od->GlobalGenerator)
this->FullPath = file;
if (file.rfind(".framework") != std::string::npos) {
static cmsys::RegularExpression splitFramework(
if (splitFramework.find(file) &&
(std::string::npos !=
splitFramework.match(3).find(splitFramework.match(2)))) {
this->Directory = splitFramework.match(1);
this->FileName =
std::string(file.begin() + this->Directory.size() + 1, file.end());
if (this->FileName.empty()) {
this->Directory = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(file);
this->FileName = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(file);
virtual ~cmOrderDirectoriesConstraint() {}
void AddDirectory()
this->DirectoryIndex = this->OD->AddOriginalDirectory(this->Directory);
virtual void Report(std::ostream& e) = 0;
void FindConflicts(unsigned int index)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->OD->OriginalDirectories.size(); ++i) {
// Check if this directory conflicts with the entry.
std::string const& dir = this->OD->OriginalDirectories[i];
if (!this->OD->IsSameDirectory(dir, this->Directory) &&
this->FindConflict(dir)) {
// The library will be found in this directory but this is not
// the directory named for it. Add an entry to make sure the
// desired directory comes before this one.
cmOrderDirectories::ConflictPair p(this->DirectoryIndex, index);
void FindImplicitConflicts(std::ostringstream& w)
bool first = true;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->OD->OriginalDirectories.size(); ++i) {
// Check if this directory conflicts with the entry.
std::string const& dir = this->OD->OriginalDirectories[i];
if (dir != this->Directory &&
cmSystemTools::GetRealPath(dir) !=
cmSystemTools::GetRealPath(this->Directory) &&
this->FindConflict(dir)) {
// The library will be found in this directory but it is
// supposed to be found in an implicit search directory.
if (first) {
first = false;
w << " ";
w << " in " << this->Directory << " may be hidden by files in:\n";
w << " " << dir << "\n";
virtual bool FindConflict(std::string const& dir) = 0;
bool FileMayConflict(std::string const& dir, std::string const& name);
cmOrderDirectories* OD;
cmGlobalGenerator* GlobalGenerator;
// The location in which the item is supposed to be found.
std::string FullPath;
std::string Directory;
std::string FileName;
// The index assigned to the directory.
int DirectoryIndex;
bool cmOrderDirectoriesConstraint::FileMayConflict(std::string const& dir,
std::string const& name)
// Check if the file exists on disk.
std::string file = dir;
file += "/";
file += name;
if (cmSystemTools::FileExists(file.c_str(), true)) {
// The file conflicts only if it is not the same as the original
// file due to a symlink or hardlink.
return !cmSystemTools::SameFile(this->FullPath, file);
// Check if the file will be built by cmake.
std::set<std::string> const& files =
(this->GlobalGenerator->GetDirectoryContent(dir, false));
std::set<std::string>::const_iterator fi = files.find(name);
return fi != files.end();
class cmOrderDirectoriesConstraintSOName : public cmOrderDirectoriesConstraint
cmOrderDirectoriesConstraintSOName(cmOrderDirectories* od,
std::string const& file,
const char* soname)
: cmOrderDirectoriesConstraint(od, file)
, SOName(soname ? soname : "")
if (this->SOName.empty()) {
// Try to guess the soname.
std::string soguess;
if (cmSystemTools::GuessLibrarySOName(file, soguess)) {
this->SOName = soguess;
void Report(std::ostream& e) CM_OVERRIDE
e << "runtime library [";
if (this->SOName.empty()) {
e << this->FileName;
} else {
e << this->SOName;
e << "]";
bool FindConflict(std::string const& dir) CM_OVERRIDE;
// The soname of the shared library if it is known.
std::string SOName;
bool cmOrderDirectoriesConstraintSOName::FindConflict(std::string const& dir)
// Determine which type of check to do.
if (!this->SOName.empty()) {
// We have the library soname. Check if it will be found.
if (this->FileMayConflict(dir, this->SOName)) {
return true;
} else {
// We do not have the soname. Look for files in the directory
// that may conflict.
std::set<std::string> const& files =
(this->GlobalGenerator->GetDirectoryContent(dir, true));
// Get the set of files that might conflict. Since we do not
// know the soname just look at all files that start with the
// file name. Usually the soname starts with the library name.
std::string base = this->FileName;
std::set<std::string>::const_iterator first = files.lower_bound(base);
++base[base.size() - 1];
std::set<std::string>::const_iterator last = files.upper_bound(base);
if (first != last) {
return true;
return false;
class cmOrderDirectoriesConstraintLibrary : public cmOrderDirectoriesConstraint
cmOrderDirectoriesConstraintLibrary(cmOrderDirectories* od,
std::string const& file)
: cmOrderDirectoriesConstraint(od, file)
void Report(std::ostream& e) CM_OVERRIDE
e << "link library [" << this->FileName << "]";
bool FindConflict(std::string const& dir) CM_OVERRIDE;
bool cmOrderDirectoriesConstraintLibrary::FindConflict(std::string const& dir)
// We have the library file name. Check if it will be found.
if (this->FileMayConflict(dir, this->FileName)) {
return true;
// Now check if the file exists with other extensions the linker
// might consider.
if (!this->OD->LinkExtensions.empty() &&
this->OD->RemoveLibraryExtension.find(this->FileName)) {
std::string lib = this->OD->RemoveLibraryExtension.match(1);
std::string ext = this->OD->RemoveLibraryExtension.match(2);
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator i =
i != this->OD->LinkExtensions.end(); ++i) {
if (*i != ext) {
std::string fname = lib;
fname += *i;
if (this->FileMayConflict(dir, fname)) {
return true;
return false;
cmOrderDirectories::cmOrderDirectories(cmGlobalGenerator* gg,
const cmGeneratorTarget* target,
const char* purpose)
this->GlobalGenerator = gg;
this->Target = target;
this->Purpose = purpose;
this->Computed = false;
std::vector<std::string> const& cmOrderDirectories::GetOrderedDirectories()
if (!this->Computed) {
this->Computed = true;
return this->OrderedDirectories;
void cmOrderDirectories::AddRuntimeLibrary(std::string const& fullPath,
const char* soname)
// Add the runtime library at most once.
if (this->EmmittedConstraintSOName.insert(fullPath).second) {
// Implicit link directories need special handling.
if (!this->ImplicitDirectories.empty()) {
std::string dir = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(fullPath);
if (fullPath.rfind(".framework") != std::string::npos) {
static cmsys::RegularExpression splitFramework(
if (splitFramework.find(fullPath) &&
(std::string::npos !=
splitFramework.match(3).find(splitFramework.match(2)))) {
dir = splitFramework.match(1);
if (this->ImplicitDirectories.find(dir) !=
this->ImplicitDirectories.end()) {
new cmOrderDirectoriesConstraintSOName(this, fullPath, soname));
// Construct the runtime information entry for this library.
new cmOrderDirectoriesConstraintSOName(this, fullPath, soname));
} else {
// This can happen if the same library is linked multiple times.
// In that case the runtime information check need be done only
// once anyway. For shared libs we could add a check in AddItem
// to not repeat them.
void cmOrderDirectories::AddLinkLibrary(std::string const& fullPath)
// Link extension info is required for library constraints.
// Add the link library at most once.
if (this->EmmittedConstraintLibrary.insert(fullPath).second) {
// Implicit link directories need special handling.
if (!this->ImplicitDirectories.empty()) {
std::string dir = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(fullPath);
if (this->ImplicitDirectories.find(dir) !=
this->ImplicitDirectories.end()) {
new cmOrderDirectoriesConstraintLibrary(this, fullPath));
// Construct the link library entry.
new cmOrderDirectoriesConstraintLibrary(this, fullPath));
void cmOrderDirectories::AddUserDirectories(
std::vector<std::string> const& extra)
this->UserDirectories.insert(this->UserDirectories.end(), extra.begin(),
void cmOrderDirectories::AddLanguageDirectories(
std::vector<std::string> const& dirs)
dirs.begin(), dirs.end());
void cmOrderDirectories::SetImplicitDirectories(
std::set<std::string> const& implicitDirs)
this->ImplicitDirectories = implicitDirs;
void cmOrderDirectories::SetLinkExtensionInfo(
std::vector<std::string> const& linkExtensions,
std::string const& removeExtRegex)
this->LinkExtensions = linkExtensions;
void cmOrderDirectories::CollectOriginalDirectories()
// Add user directories specified for inclusion. These should be
// indexed first so their original order is preserved as much as
// possible subject to the constraints.
// Add directories containing constraints.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->ConstraintEntries.size(); ++i) {
// Add language runtime directories last.
int cmOrderDirectories::AddOriginalDirectory(std::string const& dir)
// Add the runtime directory with a unique index.
std::map<std::string, int>::iterator i = this->DirectoryIndex.find(dir);
if (i == this->DirectoryIndex.end()) {
std::map<std::string, int>::value_type entry(
dir, static_cast<int>(this->OriginalDirectories.size()));
i = this->DirectoryIndex.insert(entry).first;
return i->second;
void cmOrderDirectories::AddOriginalDirectories(
std::vector<std::string> const& dirs)
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator di = dirs.begin();
di != dirs.end(); ++di) {
// We never explicitly specify implicit link directories.
if (this->ImplicitDirectories.find(*di) !=
this->ImplicitDirectories.end()) {
// Skip the empty string.
if (di->empty()) {
// Add this directory.
struct cmOrderDirectoriesCompare
typedef std::pair<int, int> ConflictPair;
// The conflict pair is unique based on just the directory
// (first). The second element is only used for displaying
// information about why the entry is present.
bool operator()(ConflictPair const& l, ConflictPair const& r)
return l.first == r.first;
void cmOrderDirectories::FindConflicts()
// Allocate the conflict graph.
this->DirectoryVisited.resize(this->OriginalDirectories.size(), 0);
// Find directories conflicting with each entry.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->ConstraintEntries.size(); ++i) {
// Clean up the conflict graph representation.
for (std::vector<ConflictList>::iterator i = this->ConflictGraph.begin();
i != this->ConflictGraph.end(); ++i) {
// Sort the outgoing edges for each graph node so that the
// original order will be preserved as much as possible.
std::sort(i->begin(), i->end());
// Make the edge list unique so cycle detection will be reliable.
ConflictList::iterator last =
std::unique(i->begin(), i->end(), cmOrderDirectoriesCompare());
i->erase(last, i->end());
// Check items in implicit link directories.
void cmOrderDirectories::FindImplicitConflicts()
// Check for items in implicit link directories that have conflicts
// in the explicit directories.
std::ostringstream conflicts;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->ImplicitDirEntries.size(); ++i) {
// Skip warning if there were no conflicts.
std::string text = conflicts.str();
if (text.empty()) {
// Warn about the conflicts.
std::ostringstream w;
w << "Cannot generate a safe " << this->Purpose << " for target "
<< this->Target->GetName()
<< " because files in some directories may conflict with "
<< " libraries in implicit directories:\n"
<< text << "Some of these libraries may not be found correctly.";
cmake::WARNING, w.str(), this->Target->GetBacktrace());
void cmOrderDirectories::OrderDirectories()
// Allow a cycle to be diagnosed once.
this->CycleDiagnosed = false;
this->WalkId = 0;
// Iterate through the directories in the original order.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->OriginalDirectories.size(); ++i) {
// Start a new DFS from this node.
void cmOrderDirectories::VisitDirectory(unsigned int i)
// Skip nodes already visited.
if (this->DirectoryVisited[i]) {
if (this->DirectoryVisited[i] == this->WalkId) {
// We have reached a node previously visited on this DFS.
// There is a cycle.
// We are now visiting this node so mark it.
this->DirectoryVisited[i] = this->WalkId;
// Visit the neighbors of the node first.
ConflictList const& clist = this->ConflictGraph[i];
for (ConflictList::const_iterator j = clist.begin(); j != clist.end(); ++j) {
// Now that all directories required to come before this one have
// been emmitted, emit this directory.
void cmOrderDirectories::DiagnoseCycle()
// Report the cycle at most once.
if (this->CycleDiagnosed) {
this->CycleDiagnosed = true;
// Construct the message.
std::ostringstream e;
e << "Cannot generate a safe " << this->Purpose << " for target "
<< this->Target->GetName()
<< " because there is a cycle in the constraint graph:\n";
// Display the conflict graph.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->ConflictGraph.size(); ++i) {
ConflictList const& clist = this->ConflictGraph[i];
e << " dir " << i << " is [" << this->OriginalDirectories[i] << "]\n";
for (ConflictList::const_iterator j = clist.begin(); j != clist.end();
++j) {
e << " dir " << j->first << " must precede it due to ";
e << "\n";
e << "Some of these libraries may not be found correctly.";
cmake::WARNING, e.str(), this->Target->GetBacktrace());
bool cmOrderDirectories::IsSameDirectory(std::string const& l,
std::string const& r)
return this->GetRealPath(l) == this->GetRealPath(r);
std::string const& cmOrderDirectories::GetRealPath(std::string const& dir)
std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator i =
if (i == this->RealPaths.end() ||
this->RealPaths.key_comp()(dir, i->first)) {
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string>::value_type value_type;
i = this->RealPaths.insert(
i, value_type(dir, cmSystemTools::GetRealPath(dir)));
return i->second;