2013-10-15 11:17:36 -04:00
# CPackWIX
# --------
# CPack WiX generator specific options
2013-10-15 13:23:23 -04:00
# Variables specific to CPack WiX generator
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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# The following variables are specific to the installers built on
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# Windows using WiX.
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# .. variable:: CPACK_WIX_UPGRADE_GUID
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2013-10-16 17:12:31 +02:00
# Upgrade GUID (``Product/@UpgradeCode``)
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# Will be automatically generated unless explicitly provided.
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# It should be explicitly set to a constant generated gloabally unique
# identifier (GUID) to allow your installers to replace existing
# installations that use the same GUID.
2012-10-03 16:08:49 +02:00
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# You may for example explicitly set this variable in your
# CMakeLists.txt to the value that has been generated per default. You
# should not use GUIDs that you did not generate yourself or which may
# belong to other projects.
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# A GUID shall have the following fixed length syntax::
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2012-10-03 16:08:49 +02:00
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# (each X represents an uppercase hexadecimal digit)
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# .. variable:: CPACK_WIX_PRODUCT_GUID
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2013-10-16 17:12:31 +02:00
# Product GUID (``Product/@Id``)
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# Will be automatically generated unless explicitly provided.
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# If explicitly provided this will set the Product Id of your installer.
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# The installer will abort if it detects a pre-existing installation that
# uses the same GUID.
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# The GUID shall use the syntax described for CPACK_WIX_UPGRADE_GUID.
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# .. variable:: CPACK_WIX_LICENSE_RTF
2012-10-03 16:08:49 +02:00
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# RTF License File
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# If CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE has an .rtf extension it is used as-is.
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# If CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE has an .txt extension it is implicitly
# converted to RTF by the WiX Generator.
2013-12-26 15:23:54 +01:00
# The expected encoding of the .txt file is UTF-8.
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# With CPACK_WIX_LICENSE_RTF you can override the license file used by the
# WiX Generator in case CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE is in an unsupported
# format or the .txt -> .rtf conversion does not work as expected.
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# .. variable:: CPACK_WIX_PRODUCT_ICON
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# The Icon shown next to the program name in Add/Remove programs.
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# If set, this icon is used in place of the default icon.
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2013-11-19 21:38:09 +01:00
# .. variable:: CPACK_WIX_UI_REF
# This variable allows you to override the Id of the ``<UIRef>`` element
# in the WiX template.
# The default is ``WixUI_InstallDir`` in case no CPack components have
# been defined and ``WixUI_FeatureTree`` otherwise.
2013-10-15 13:23:23 -04:00
# .. variable:: CPACK_WIX_UI_BANNER
2012-10-03 16:08:49 +02:00
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# The bitmap will appear at the top of all installer pages other than the
# welcome and completion dialogs.
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# If set, this image will replace the default banner image.
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# This image must be 493 by 58 pixels.
2012-12-14 12:50:18 -08:00
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# .. variable:: CPACK_WIX_UI_DIALOG
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# Background bitmap used on the welcome and completion dialogs.
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# If this variable is set, the installer will replace the default dialog
# image.
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# This image must be 493 by 312 pixels.
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2012-12-14 12:50:18 -08:00
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# Start menu folder name for launcher.
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# If this variable is not set, it will be initialized with CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME
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# .. variable:: CPACK_WIX_CULTURES
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# Language(s) of the installer
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# Languages are compiled into the WixUI extension library. To use them,
# simply provide the name of the culture. If you specify more than one
# culture identifier in a comma or semicolon delimited list, the first one
# that is found will be used. You can find a list of supported languages at:
# http://wix.sourceforge.net/manual-wix3/WixUI_localization.htm
2012-12-14 12:50:18 -08:00
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# .. variable:: CPACK_WIX_TEMPLATE
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# Template file for WiX generation
2013-03-01 11:09:58 +09:00
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# If this variable is set, the specified template will be used to generate
# the WiX wxs file. This should be used if further customization of the
# output is required.
2013-03-01 11:09:58 +09:00
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# If this variable is not set, the default MSI template included with CMake
# will be used.
2013-05-06 17:21:42 +02:00
2013-12-16 22:30:11 +01:00
# .. variable:: CPACK_WIX_PATCH_FILE
# Optional XML file with fragments to be inserted into generated WiX sources
# This optional variable can be used to specify an XML file that the
# WiX generator will use to inject fragments into its generated
# source files.
# Patch files understood by the CPack WiX generator
# roughly follow this RELAX NG compact schema:
# .. code-block:: none
# start = CPackWiXPatch
# CPackWiXPatch = element CPackWiXPatch { CPackWiXFragment* }
# CPackWiXFragment = element CPackWiXFragment
# {
# attribute Id { string },
# fragmentContent*
# }
# fragmentContent = element * - CPackWiXFragment
# {
# (attribute * { text } | text | fragmentContent)*
# }
# Currently fragments can be injected into most
# Component, File and Directory elements.
# The following example illustrates how this works.
# Given that the WiX generator creates the following XML element:
# .. code-block:: xml
# <Component Id="CM_CP_applications.bin.my_libapp.exe" Guid="*"/>
# The following XML patch file may be used to inject an Environment element
# into it:
# .. code-block:: xml
# <CPackWiXPatch>
# <CPackWiXFragment Id="CM_CP_applications.bin.my_libapp.exe">
# <Environment Id="MyEnvironment" Action="set"
# Name="MyVariableName" Value="MyVariableValue"/>
# </CPackWiXFragment>
# </CPackWiXPatch>
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2013-05-06 17:21:42 +02:00
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# Extra WiX source files
2013-05-06 17:21:42 +02:00
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# This variable provides an optional list of extra WiX source files (.wxs)
# that should be compiled and linked. The full path to source files is
# required.
2013-07-02 17:19:31 -05:00
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2013-07-02 17:19:31 -05:00
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# Extra WiX object files or libraries
2013-07-02 17:19:31 -05:00
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# This variable provides an optional list of extra WiX object (.wixobj)
# and/or WiX library (.wixlib) files. The full path to objects and libraries
# is required.
2013-11-10 19:48:29 +01:00
# .. variable:: CPACK_WIX_EXTENSIONS
# This variable provides a list of additional extensions for the WiX
# tools light and candle.
# This is the tool specific version of CPACK_WIX_EXTENSIONS.
# ``<TOOL>`` can be either LIGHT or CANDLE.
# .. variable:: CPACK_WIX_<TOOL>_EXTRA_FLAGS
# This list variable allows you to pass additional
# flags to the WiX tool ``<TOOL>``.
# Use it at your own risk.
# Future versions of CPack may generate flags which may be in conflict
# with your own flags.
# ``<TOOL>`` can be either LIGHT or CANDLE.
2012-10-03 16:08:49 +02:00
2013-11-10 19:48:29 +01:00
# Copyright 2013 Kitware, Inc.
2012-10-03 16:08:49 +02:00
# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License");
# see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
# This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
# See the License for more information.
# (To distribute this file outside of CMake, substitute the full
# License text for the above reference.)
message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find the WiX candle executable.")
message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find the WiX light executable.")