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2001-06-06 08:49:39 -04:00
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<font size=5>Many generous sponsors and contributors</font>
have supported this work. NLM continues to provide executive leadership in the
administion of the project. The supporting agencies and institutes supporting
this work include:<br><br><br>
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<TD align=right valign=middle>
<A HREF="">
<img src="/CMake/Art/nlm_logo.gif" ALT="NLM logo" WIDTH=50 HEIGHT=50
ALIGN=middle border=0></a></TD>
<TD align=left valign=middle width=375>
National Library of Medicine (NLM) - Dr. Terry Yoo at NLM/NIH is
sponsoring the bulk of this work as part of the Insight segmentation
and registration toolkit (ITK). CMake was originally created to
support the multi-platform support necessary for ITK.
<TD align=right valign=middle>
<A HREF="">
<img src="/CMake/Art/itkLogoSmallTransparentBackground.gif" ALT="ITK logo"
ALIGN=middle border=0></a></TD>
<TD align=left valign=middle width=375>
Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit - ITK is the original
sponsoring project for ITK. ITK is being funded by NLM to develop
cutting-edge algorithms and techniques to support the
<a href="">
Visible Human Project.</a>
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<A HREF="">
<img src="/CMake/Art/swooshSmall.gif" ALT="Kitware logo"
ALIGN=middle border=0></a></TD>
<TD align=left valign=middle width=375>
Kitware, Inc. - Kitware personnel, primarily Bill Hoffman, Ken Martin,
and Brad King, were the principal developers of CMake.</A>
<TD align=right valign=middle>
<A HREF="">
<img src=/CMake/Art/acl.gif ALT="ACL Logo"
ALIGN=middle border=0></a></TD>
<TD align=left valign=middle width=375>
Advanced Computing Lab at Los Alamos National Lab - Jim Ahrens
at LANL is technical project leader. He has supported the deployment
of CMake for building parallel processing applications.