2012-05-18 15:06:11 +04:00

244 lines
5.1 KiB

# GQview config file version 2.1.5 #
# Note: This file is autogenerated. Options can be changed here,
# but user comments and formatting will be lost.
##### General Options #####
layout_style: 0
layout_order: "123"
layout_view_as_icons: true
layout_view_as_tree: true
show_icon_names: true
tree_descend_folders: false
lazy_image_sync: false
update_on_time_change: true
exif_auto_rotate: true
enable_startup_path: false
zoom_mode: fit
two_pass_scaling: true
zoom_to_fit_allow_expand: true
fit_window_to_image: true
limit_window_size: false
max_window_size: 100
progressive_keyboard_scrolling: false
scroll_reset_method: 0
enable_thumbnails: false
thumbnail_width: 96
thumbnail_height: 72
cache_thumbnails: true
cache_thumbnails_into_dirs: false
thumbnail_fast: true
use_xvpics_thumbnails: true
thumbnail_spec_standard: true
local_metadata: false
sort_method: 1
sort_ascending: true
sort_case_sensitive: false
confirm_delete: true
enable_delete_key: true
safe_delete: false
safe_delete_path: "/home/kolan/.gqview/trash"
safe_delete_size: 20
tools_float: false
tools_hidden: false
restore_tool_state: false
toolbar_hidden: false
mouse_wheel_scrolls: false
in_place_rename: true
open_recent_max: 10
image_cache_size_max: 10
thumbnail_quality: 1
zoom_quality: 2
dither_quality: 1
zoom_increment: 5
enable_read_ahead: true
display_dialogs_under_mouse: false
black_window_background: false
fullscreen_screen: -1
fullscreen_clean_flip: false
fullscreen_disable_saver: true
fullscreen_above: false
custom_similarity_threshold: 99
##### Slideshow Options #####
slideshow_delay: 15.0
slideshow_random: false
slideshow_repeat: false
##### Filtering Options #####
show_dotfiles: false
disable_filtering: false
filter_ext: "icns" ".icns" "Формат изображений ICNS"
filter_ext: "gif" ".gif" "Формат изображений GIF"
filter_ext: "bmp" ".bmp" "Формат изображений BMP"
filter_ext: "pnm" ".pnm;.pbm;.pgm;.ppm" "Семейство форматов изображений PNM/PBM/PGM/PPM"
filter_ext: "ico" ".ico;.cur" "Формат изображений ICO"
filter_ext: "ani" ".ani" "Формат изображений ANI"
filter_ext: "tga" ".tga;.targa" "Формат изображений Targa"
filter_ext: "ras" ".ras" "Формат растровых изображений компании Sun"
filter_ext: "jpeg" ".jpeg;.jpe;.jpg" "Формат изображений JPEG"
filter_ext: "qtif" ".qtif;.qif" "Формат изображений QTIF"
filter_ext: "xbm" ".xbm" "Формат изображений XBM"
filter_ext: "pcx" ".pcx" "Формат изображений PCX"
filter_ext: "xpm" ".xpm" "Формат изображения XPM"
filter_ext: "wbmp" ".wbmp" "Формат изображений WBMP"
filter_ext: "png" ".png" "Формат изображений PNG"
filter_ext: "#tiff" ".tif;.tiff" "Tiff"
filter_ext: "#svg" ".svg" "Scalable Vector Graphics"
filter_ext: "crw" ".crw;.cr2" "Canon raw format"
filter_ext: "raf" ".raf" "Fujifilm raw format"
filter_ext: "nef" ".nef" "Nikon raw format"
filter_ext: "orf" ".orf" "Olympus raw format"
filter_ext: "pef" ".pef" "Pentax raw format"
##### Color Profiles #####
# NOTICE: GQview was not built with support for color profiles,
# color profile options will have no effect.
color_profile_enabled: false
color_profile_use_image: true
color_profile_input_type: 0
color_profile_screen_type: 0
##### External Programs #####
# Maximum of 10 programs (external_1 through external_10)
# format: external_n: "menu name" "command line"
external_1: "The Gimp" "gimp -n %f"
external_2: "XV" "xv %f"
external_3: "Xpaint" "xpaint %f"
external_4: "" ""
external_5: "" ""
external_6: "" ""
external_7: "" ""
external_8: "" ""
external_9: "Повернуть jpeg по часовой стрелк" "%vif jpegtran -rotate 90 -copy all -outfile %p_tmp %p; then mv %p_tmp %p;else rm %p_tmp;fi"
external_10: "Повернуть jpeg против часовой ст" "%vif jpegtran -rotate 270 -copy all -outfile %p_tmp %p; then mv %p_tmp %p;else rm %p_tmp;fi"
##### Collection Options #####
rectangular_selections: false
##### Window Positions #####
restore_window_positions: false
main_window_x: 219
main_window_y: 43
main_window_width: 700
main_window_height: 500
main_window_maximized: false
float_window_x: 0
float_window_y: 0
float_window_width: 260
float_window_height: 450
float_window_divider: 200
divider_position_h: 270
divider_position_v: 200
# end of GQview config file #