"================================================== " File: VimExplorer.vim " Brief: VE - the File Manager within Vim! " Authors: Ming Bai " Last Change: 2009-05-06 00:20:25 " Version: 0.99 " Licence: LGPL " " Usage: :h VimExplorer " "================================================== " See if we are already loaded, thanks to Dennis Hostetler. if exists("loaded_vimExplorer") finish else let loaded_vimExplorer = 1 endif " " Vim version 7.x is needed. if v:version < 700 echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg "VimExplorer needs vim version >= 7.0!" | echohl None finish endif "Load config {{{1 "####################################################################### "VimExplorer configuration. " let VEConf = {} "Normal configurations. "Common settings "========================================== "Important! It is used to do iconv() to the path when calling "sytem() function. Mine is Simplified Chinese (cp936). if exists("g:VEConf_systemEncoding") let VEConf.systemEncoding = g:VEConf_systemEncoding else let VEConf.systemEncoding = '' endif "VimExplorer will check all the disks in this list at startup. "Delete some of these to fit your system can increase start up "speed. "let VEConf.win32Disks = ["C:","D:","E:"] if exists("g:VEConf_win32Disks") let VEConf.win32Disks = g:VEConf_win32Disks else let VEConf.win32Disks = ["A:","B:","C:","D:","E:","F:","G:","H:", \"I:","J:","K:","L:","M:","N:","O:","P:","Q:","R:", \"S:","T:","U:","V:","W:","X:","Y:","Z:"] endif "Set the forward and backward history stack depth. if exists("g:VEConf_browseHistory") let VEConf.browseHistory = g:VEConf_browseHistory else let VEConf.browseHistory = 100 endif "Split location of preview window if exists("g:VEConf_previewSplitLocation") let VEConf.previewSplitLocation = g:VEConf_previewSplitLocation else let VEConf.previewSplitLocation = "belowright" endif "Show hidden files ( .* ) if exists("g:VEConf_showHiddenFiles") let VEConf.showHiddenFiles = VEConf_showHiddenFiles else let VEConf.showHiddenFiles = 1 endif "External explorer name if (has("win32") || has("win95") || has("win64") || has("win16") || has("dos32")) if exists("g:VEConf_externalExplorer") let VEConf.externalExplorer = g:VEConf_externalExplorer else let VEConf.externalExplorer = "explorer.exe" endif else if exists("g:VEConf_externalExplorer") let VEConf.externalExplorer = g:VEConf_externalExplorer else let VEConf.externalExplorer = "nautilus" endif endif "Sort case sensitive , for everything if exists("g:VEConf_sortCaseSensitive") let VEConf.sortCaseSensitive = g:VEConf_sortCaseSensitive else let VEConf.sortCaseSensitive = 0 endif "favorite file name if exists("g:VEConf_favorite") let VEConf.favorite = g:VEConf_favorite else let VEConf.favorite = ".ve_favorite" endif "Overwrite existing files. "boverWrite 0 ask, 1 allyes, 2 allno if exists("g:VEConf_overWriteExisting") let VEConf.overWriteExisting = g:VEConf_overWriteExisting else let VEConf.overWriteExisting = 0 endif "Kde or gonme. if !exists("g:VEConf_usingKDE") let g:VEConf_usingKDE = 0 endif if !exists("g:VEConf_usingGnome") let g:VEConf_usingGnome = 0 endif "Recycle path if !exists("g:VEConf_recyclePath") let g:VEConf.recyclePath = '' else let g:VEConf.recyclePath = g:VEConf_recyclePath endif "Tree panel settings "========================================== "Show '+' before empty folders. "It will cause a little performance lost. if exists("g:VEConf_showFolderStatus") let VEConf.showFolderStatus = g:VEConf_showFolderStatus else let VEConf.showFolderStatus = 1 endif "Tree panel width if exists("g:VEConf_treePanelWidth") let VEConf.treePanelWidth = g:VEConf_treePanelWidth else let VEConf.treePanelWidth = 30 endif "Split mode of tree panel if exists("g:VEConf_treePanelSplitMode") let VEConf.treePanelSplitMode = g:VEConf_treePanelSplitMode else let VEConf.treePanelSplitMode = "vertical" endif "Split location of file panel if exists("g:VEConf_treePanelSplitLocation") let VEConf.treePanelSplitLocation = g:VEConf_treePanelSplitLocation else let VEConf.treePanelSplitLocation = "leftabove" endif "Set the tree panel sort direction. if exists("g:VEConf_treeSortDirection") let VEConf.treeSortDirection = g:VEConf_treeSortDirection else let VEConf.treeSortDirection = 1 endif "File panel settings "========================================== "Set the file group sort direction. if exists("g:VEConf_fileGroupSortDirection") let VEConf.fileGroupSortDirection = g:VEConf_fileGroupSortDirection else let VEConf.fileGroupSortDirection = 1 endif "Delete file confirm. if exists("g:VEConf_fileDeleteConfirm") let VEConf.fileDeleteConfirm = g:VEConf_fileDeleteConfirm else let VEConf.fileDeleteConfirm = 1 endif "File panel width if exists("g:VEConf_filePanelWidth") let VEConf.filePanelWidth = g:VEConf_filePanelWidth else let VEConf.filePanelWidth = 40 endif "Split mode of file panel if exists("g:VEConf_filePanelSplitMode") let VEConf.filePanelSplitMode = g:VEConf_filePanelSplitMode else let VEConf.filePanelSplitMode = "vertical" endif "Split location of file panel if exists("g:VEConf_filePanelSplitLocation") let VEConf.filePanelSplitLocation = g:VEConf_filePanelSplitLocation else let VEConf.filePanelSplitLocation = "belowright" endif "File panel sort type. if exists("g:VEConf_filePanelSortType") let VEConf.filePanelSortType = g:VEConf_filePanelSortType else let VEConf.filePanelSortType = 0 endif "Show file size in M/K/B if exists("g:VEConf_showFileSizeInMKB") let VEConf.showFileSizeInMKB = g:VEConf_showFileSizeInMKB else let VEConf.showFileSizeInMKB = 1 endif "File panel filter. if exists("g:VEConf_filePanelFilter") let VEConf.filePanelFilter = g:VEConf_filePanelFilter else let VEConf.filePanelFilter = '' endif "####################################################################### "Tree panel hot key bindings. let VEConf.treePanelHotkey = {} let VEConf.treePanelHotkey.help = '?' let VEConf.treePanelHotkey.toggleNode = '' let VEConf.treePanelHotkey.toggleNodeMouse = '<2-LeftMouse>' let VEConf.treePanelHotkey.refresh = 'r' let VEConf.treePanelHotkey.favorite = 'f' let VEConf.treePanelHotkey.addToFavorite = 'F' let VEConf.treePanelHotkey.browseHistory = 'b' let VEConf.treePanelHotkey.toggleFilePanel = 't' let VEConf.treePanelHotkey.toUpperDir = '' let VEConf.treePanelHotkey.switchPanel = '' let VEConf.treePanelHotkey.gotoPath = '' let VEConf.treePanelHotkey.quitVE = 'Q' if exists("g:VEConf_treeHotkey") if type(g:VEConf_treeHotkey) != type({}) echohl WarningMsg | echo "g:VEConf_treeHotkey is not dictionary type!" | echohl None finish endif for i in keys(g:VEConf_treeHotkey) let VEConf.treePanelHotkey[i] = g:VEConf_treeHotkey[i] endfor endif "File panel hot key bindings. "normal mode hotkeys let VEConf.filePanelHotkey = {} "normal let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.help = '?' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.itemClicked = '' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.itemClickMouse = '<2-LeftMouse>' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.refresh = 'r' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.toggleTreePanel = 't' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.toggleModes = 'i' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.newFile = '+f' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.newDirectory = '+d' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.switchPanel = '' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.quitVE = 'Q' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.toggleHidden = 'H' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.search = 'g/' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.markPlace = 'm' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.gotoPlace = "'" let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.viewMarks = 'J' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.contextMenuN = '' "Browsing let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.toUpperDir = '' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.gotoForward = '' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.gotoBackward = '' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.favorite = 'f' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.addToFavorite = 'F' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.browseHistory = 'b' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.gotoPath = '' "single file actions let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.rename = 'R' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.yankSingle = 'yy' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.cutSingle = 'xx' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.showYankList = 'yl' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.deleteSingle = 'dd' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.deleteSingleF = 'DD' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.openPreview = 'u' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.closePreview = 'U' "mark let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.toggleSelectUp = '' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.toggleSelectDown= '' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.toggleSelMouse = '' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.markViaRegexp = 'Mr' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.markVimFiles = 'Mv' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.markDirectory = 'Md' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.markExecutable = 'Me' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.clearSelect = 'Mc' "multiple file actions let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.deleteSelected = 'sd' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.deleteSelectedF = 'sD' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.yankSelected = 'sy' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.cutSelected = 'sx' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.tabViewMulti = 'se' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.paste = 'p' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.diff2files = '=' "visual mode hotkeys. let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.visualSelect = '' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.visualDelete = 'd' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.visualDeleteF = 'D' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.visualYank = 'y' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.visualCut = 'x' "User defined hotkeys, see below. let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.tabView = 'e' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.openRenamer = ';r' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.startShell = ';c' let VEConf.filePanelHotkey.startExplorer = ';e' if exists("g:VEConf_fileHotkey") if type(g:VEConf_fileHotkey) != type({}) echohl WarningMsg | echo "g:VEConf_fileHotkey is not dictionary type!" | echohl None finish endif for i in keys(g:VEConf_fileHotkey) let VEConf.filePanelHotkey[i] = g:VEConf_fileHotkey[i] endfor endif "####################################################################### "User defined file actions. if !exists("g:VEConf_normalActions") let VEConf_normalActions = {} endif if !exists("g:VEConf_normalHotKeys") let VEConf_normalHotKeys = {} endif if !exists("g:VEConf_singleFileActions") let VEConf_singleFileActions = {} endif if !exists("g:VEConf_singleFileHotKeys") let VEConf_singleFileHotKeys = {} endif if !exists("g:VEConf_multiFileActions") let VEConf_multiFileActions = {} endif if !exists("g:VEConf_multiFileHotKeys") let VEConf_multiFileHotKeys = {} endif "Template " let VEConf_singleFileHotKeys['actionName'] = '' " function! VEConf_singleFileActions['actionName'](path) " "do some jobs here. " endfunction " "the 'path' is the file name under cursor in the file panel, you "can use this path to do some actions. "Pay attention to the hotKeys you have defined, dont conflict "whth the default hotKey bindings. "Normal Actions just run in current path, no path needed to "pass. "There are some examples: "Open current file using vim in a new tab. let VEConf_singleFileHotKeys['openInNewTab'] = VEConf.filePanelHotkey.tabView function! VEConf_singleFileActions['openInNewTab'](path) if !isdirectory(a:path) exec "tabe " . g:VEPlatform.escape(a:path) else exec "VE " . g:VEPlatform.escape(a:path) endif endfunction "Renamer is a very good plugin. let VEConf_normalHotKeys['openRenamer'] = VEConf.filePanelHotkey.openRenamer function! VEConf_normalActions['openRenamer']() Renamer endfunction "start shell in current directory. let VEConf_normalHotKeys['startShell'] = VEConf.filePanelHotkey.startShell function! VEConf_normalActions['startShell']() call g:VEPlatform.startShell() endfunction "start file explorer in current directory "(nautilus,konquer,Explorer.exe and so on). let VEConf_normalHotKeys['startExplorer'] = VEConf.filePanelHotkey.startExplorer function! VEConf_normalActions['startExplorer']() call g:VEPlatform.startExplorer() endfunction "Multiple file name are contained in the fileList. let VEConf_multiFileHotKeys['openMultiFilesWithVim'] = VEConf.filePanelHotkey.tabViewMulti function! VEConf_multiFileActions['openMultiFilesWithVim'](fileList) if empty(a:fileList) return endif for i in a:fileList exec "tabe " . g:VEPlatform.escape(i) endfor endfunction "####################################################################### "Syntax and highlight configuration. function! VEConf.treePanelSyntax() syn clear syn match Question "^.*Press ? for help.*$" "Host name syn match WarningMsg "\[[A-Z]:[\\/]\]" "root node name syn match Identifier "^\s*\zs[+-]" "+- syn match SpecialKey "^.*\[current\]$" "current folder endfunction function! VEConf.filePanelSyntax() syntax clear syn match Type "\[ .* \]" "group syn match Comment '\t.\{10}' "file size syn match Comment '\d\{4}-\d\{2}-\d\{2}\ \d\{2}:\d\{2}:\d\{2}' "time syn match Special '^Path: .*$' "path syn match WarningMsg '^\~*$' "line syn match Function '^.*[\\/]' "directory syn match Search '^\*.*$' "selectedFiles syn match LineNr '[rwx-]\{9}' "perm endfunction "####################################################################### " classes relationship " " VEFrameWork " VETreePanel " VETree " VENode " VEFilePanel " VEPlatform " class VEPlatform {{{1 "============================= let VEPlatform = {} "it's a static class, no constructor "has win function! VEPlatform.haswin32() if (has("win32") || has("win95") || has("win64") || has("win16") || has("dos32")) return 1 else return 0 endif endfunction "return a path always end with slash. function! VEPlatform.getcwd() let path = getcwd() if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() && !&ssl if path[-1:] != "\\" let path = path . "\\" endif else if path[-1:] != "/" let path = path . "/" endif endif return path endfunction "get home path, end with a slash function! VEPlatform.getHome() if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() && !&ssl if $HOME[-1:] != "\\" return $HOME . "\\" else return $HOME endif else if $HOME[-1:] != "/" return $HOME . "/" else return $HOME endif endif endfunction function! VEPlatform.escape(path) if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() return escape(a:path,'%#') else return escape(a:path,' %#') endif endfunction "start a program and then return to vim, no wait. function! VEPlatform.start(path) let convPath = self.escape(a:path) "escape() function will do iconv to the string, so call it "before iconv(). if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() let convPath = substitute(convPath,'/',"\\",'g') let convPath = " start \"\" \"" . convPath . "\"" let ret = self.system(convPath) else if g:VEConf_usingKDE let convPath = "kfmclient exec " . convPath let ret = self.system(convPath) elseif g:VEConf_usingGnome let convPath = "gnome-open " . convPath let ret = self.system(convPath) else " default using gnome-open. let convPath = "gnome-open " . convPath let ret = self.system(convPath) endif endif if !ret echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg "Failed to start " . a:path | echohl None return 0 endif return 1 endfunction function! VEPlatform.system(cmd) "can not escape here! example: 'rm -r blabla\ bbb' "let convCmd = escape(a:cmd,' %#') let convCmd = a:cmd if g:VEConf.systemEncoding != '' let convCmd = iconv(convCmd,&encoding,g:VEConf.systemEncoding) endif call system(convCmd) return !(v:shell_error) endfunction " Return successful copyed file list. function! VEPlatform.copyMultiFile(fileList,topath) let boverWrite = g:VEConf.overWriteExisting let retList = [] for i in a:fileList "boverWrite 0 ask, 1 allyes, 2 allno if boverWrite == 0 if i[-1:] == "\\" || i[-1:] == "/" let i = i[:-2] endif let tofile = a:topath . matchstr(i,'[\\/]\zs[^\\/]\+$') if findfile(tofile) != '' "echohl WarningMsg "let result = tolower(input("File [ " . tofile . " ] exists! Over write ? (Y)es/(N)o/(A)llyes/A(L)lno/(C)ancel ","Y")) let result = confirm("File [ " . matchstr(i,'[\\/]\zs[^\\/]\+$') . \" ] exists! Over write ? ","&Yes\n&No\nYes to &All\nNo &To All\n&Cancel ",1) "echohl None if result == 1 if !self.copyfile(i,a:topath) echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg "Copy file error: " . i | echohl None else let retList += [i] endif elseif result == 2 continue elseif result == 3 let boverWrite = 1 if !self.copyfile(i,a:topath) echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg "Copy file error: " . i | echohl None else let retList += [i] endif elseif result == 4 let boverWrite = 2 else break endif else if !self.copyfile(i,a:topath) echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg "Copy file error: " . i | echohl None else let retList += [i] endif endif elseif boverWrite == 1 if !self.copyfile(i,a:topath) echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg "Copy file error: " . i | echohl None else let retList += [i] endif elseif boverWrite == 2 if i[-1:] == "\\" || i[-1:] == "/" let i = i[:-2] endif let tofile = a:topath . matchstr(i,'[\\/]\zs[^\\/]\+$') if findfile(tofile) != '' continue endif if !self.copyfile(i,a:topath) echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg "Copy file error: " . i | echohl None else let retList += [i] endif endif endfor echohl Special | echomsg " " . len(retList) . " file(s) pasted!" | echohl None return retList endfunction function! VEPlatform.copyfile(filename,topath) "return let filename = self.escape(a:filename) let topath = self.escape(a:topath) if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() let filename = substitute(a:filename,'/',"\\",'g') let topath = substitute(a:topath,'/',"\\",'g') if isdirectory(filename) if filename[-1:] == "\\" let filename = filename[:-2] endif let topath = "\"" . topath . matchstr(filename,'[^\\]*$') . "\"" let filename = "\"" . filename . "\"" let cmd = "xcopy ".filename . " " . topath . " /E /I /H /R /Y" else let topath = "\"" . topath . "\"" let filename = "\"" . filename . "\"" let cmd = "xcopy ". filename . " " . topath . " /I /H /R /Y" endif return self.system(cmd) else let cmd = "cp -r " . filename . " " . topath . "&" return self.system(cmd) endif endfunction " The "move" command in win32 is so poor.. " So I have no choice but copy then delete. "function! VEPlatform.movefile(filename,topath) " let filename = self.escape(a:filename) " let topath = self.escape(a:topath) " if executable("mv") " let cmd = "mv -f " . filename . " " . topath " return self.system(cmd) " else " if self.copyfile(a:filename,a:topath) " return self.delete(a:filename,1) " else " return 0 " endif " endif "endfunction function! VEPlatform.mkdir(path) if g:VEConf.systemEncoding != '' let convPath = iconv(a:path,&encoding,g:VEConf.systemEncoding) else let convPath = a:path endif return mkdir(convPath,'p') endfunction function! VEPlatform.mkfile(filename) if findfile(a:filename) != '' || isdirectory(a:filename) return 0 endif if writefile([],a:filename) == 0 "here it is not need to convert filename return 1 else return 0 endif endfunction function! VEPlatform.executable(filename) if isdirectory(a:filename) return 0 endif if getfperm(a:filename)[2] == 'x' return 1 else return 0 endif endfunction function! VEPlatform.search(filename,path) if a:filename == '.' || a:filename == '..' return [] else return split(globpath(a:path,"**/" . a:filename),"\n") endif endfunction function! VEPlatform.globpath(path) if g:VEConf.showHiddenFiles let tmp = globpath(a:path,"*") . "\n" . globpath(a:path,".[^.]*") "need to cut . and .. " can not show files start with .. such as ..foo , :( " I do not know how to write the shell regexp. if tmp == "\n" return '' else return tmp endif else return globpath(a:path,"*") endif endfunction "globpath used in file panel, including filter. function! VEPlatform.globpath_file(path) if g:VEConf.filePanelFilter != '' return globpath(a:path,g:VEConf.filePanelFilter) endif if g:VEConf.showHiddenFiles let tmp = globpath(a:path,"*") . "\n" . globpath(a:path,".[^.]*") "need to cut . and .. " can not show files start with .. such as ..foo , :( " I do not know how to write the shell regexp. if tmp == "\n" return '' else return tmp endif else return globpath(a:path,"*") endif endfunction function! VEPlatform.cdToPath(path) try "In win32, VE can create folder starts with space. So ... exec "lcd " . escape(a:path,' %#') catch echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg "Can not cd to path: " . a:path | echohl None endtry endfunction function! VEPlatform.startShell() if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() !start cmd.exe else shell endif endfunction function! VEPlatform.startExplorer() let pwd = self.escape(g:VEPlatform.getcwd()) if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() let pwd = substitute(pwd,'/',"\\",'g') endif if !self.system(g:VEConf.externalExplorer . " " . pwd) "echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg "Failed to start external explorer: " . g:VEConf.externalExplorer | echohl None " M$ windows Explorer.exe always return 1 even it starts successfully, shit! endif endfunction function! VEPlatform.getRoot(rootDict) if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() "Create new root list. let newRootList = [] for i in g:VEConf.win32Disks if &ssl let i = i . "/" else let i = i . "\\" endif if g:VEPlatform.globpath(i) != '' call add(newRootList,i) endif endfor "Remove nolonger exist root nodes. for i in keys(a:rootDict) if index(newRootList,i) == -1 call remove(a:rootDict,i) endif endfor "Create new root nodes. for i in newRootList if !has_key(a:rootDict,i) let a:rootDict[i] = deepcopy(s:VENode) call a:rootDict[i].init(i) let a:rootDict[i].hasOwnChilds = 1 endif endfor else "Assert the other platform acts like UNIX let newRootList = ["/"] " ~/ for i in newRootList if !has_key(a:rootDict,i) let a:rootDict[i] = deepcopy(s:VENode) call a:rootDict[i].init(i) let a:rootDict[i].hasOwnChilds = 1 endif endfor endif endfunction function! VEPlatform.pathToName(path) let time = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",getftime(a:path)) let size = getfsize(a:path) let perm = getfperm(a:path) if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() && !&ssl if a:path[-1:] != "\\" let name = substitute(a:path,'^.*\\','','g') else let name = substitute(a:path,'^.*\\\ze.\+\\$','','g') endif else if a:path[-1:] != "/" let name = substitute(a:path,'^.*\/','','g') else let name = substitute(a:path,'^.*\/\ze.\+\/$','','g') endif endif if g:VEConf.showFileSizeInMKB if size > (1024 * 1024) let size = (size / 1024 / 1024) . ' M' elseif size > 1024 let size = (size / 1024) . ' K' elseif size > 0 let size = size . ' B' endif endif let tail = printf("%10.10s ".perm . ' ' .time,size==0?'':size) return name . "\t" . tail endfunction function! VEPlatform.getUpperDir(path) if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() && !&ssl return substitute(a:path,'\\\zs[^\\]\+\\$','','g') else return substitute(a:path,'\/\zs[^/]\+\/$','','g') endif endfunction "default choice and return value: 1:YES 0:NO function! VEPlatform.confirm(text,defaultChoice) if a:defaultChoice let ret = confirm(a:text,"&Yes\n&No",1) else let ret = confirm(a:text,"&Yes\n&No",2) endif if ret == 1 return 1 else return 0 endif "if a:defaultChoice " echohl WarningMsg " let result = tolower(input(a:text . " ","Y")) " echohl None "else " echohl WarningMsg " let result = tolower(input(a:text . " "),"N") " echohl None "endif "if result == "y" || result == "ye" || result == "yes" " return 1 "else " return 0 "endif endfunction "delete a single file or directory "return 0:failed 1:success function! VEPlatform.deleteSingle(path,bforce) if !isdirectory(a:path) if g:VEConf.fileDeleteConfirm && !self.confirm("Delete \n\"".a:path."\" ?",1) echo " " "clear the command line return 0 endif if self.delete(a:path,a:bforce) echohl Special | echomsg "File: [" . a:path . "] deleted!" | echohl None return 1 else echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg "Can not delete the file! [" . a:path . "]" | echohl None return 0 endif else if g:VEConf.fileDeleteConfirm && !self.confirm("Remove the folder \n\"".a:path."\" and all its contents?",1) echo " " return 0 endif echo " " return self.delete(a:path,a:bforce) endif endfunction "delete multiple files/directory. "return 0:failed 1:success function! VEPlatform.deleteMultiple(fileList,bforce) if g:VEConf.fileDeleteConfirm && !self.confirm("Delete selected file(s) ?",1) echo " " return 0 endif for i in a:fileList if !self.delete(i,a:bforce) echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg "Failed to delete: " . i | echohl None endif endfor return 1 endfunction function! VEPlatform.delete(name,bforce) if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() let recPath = tolower(g:VEConf.recyclePath) let delName = tolower(a:name) else let recPath = g:VEConf.recyclePath let delName = a:name endif if !a:bforce && g:VEConf.recyclePath != '' && (stridx(delName,recPath) == -1) if !isdirectory(g:VEConf.recyclePath) if !self.mkdir(g:VEConf.recyclePath) || !isdirectory(g:VEConf.recyclePath) echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg "Can not access recycle bin!" | echohl None return 0 endif endif if !self.copyfile(a:name,g:VEConf.recyclePath) echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg "Failed to move the file: [" . a:name . "] to recycle bin." | echohl None return 0 "else " return 1 endif endif if isdirectory(a:name) if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() return g:VEPlatform.system(" rmdir /S /Q \"" . self.escape(a:name) . "\"") else return g:VEPlatform.system("rm -r " . self.escape(a:name) . "&") endif else if delete(a:name) == 0 return 1 else return 0 endif endif endfunction function! VEPlatform.select(list,title) let selectList = deepcopy(a:list) if len(selectList) == 0 return endif call insert(selectList,a:title,0) for i in range(1,len(selectList)-1) let selectList[i] = i . " " . selectList[i] endfor let result = inputlist(selectList) if result > len(a:list) || result <= 0 return -1 else return result-1 endif endfunction " This is not a member of VEPlatform, because sort() " can not use dict function. function! VEPlatform_sortCompare(t1,t2) if g:VEConf.sortCaseSensitive return a:t1 ==# a:t2 ? 0 : a:t1 ># a:t2 ? 1 : -1 else return a:t1 ==? a:t2 ? 0 : a:t1 >? a:t2 ? 1 : -1 endif endfunction " class VENode {{{1 "============================= let s:VENode = {} let s:VENode.name = '' let s:VENode.path = '' let s:VENode.isopen = 0 let s:VENode.hasOwnChilds = 0 let s:VENode.childs = {} "Object Constructor function! s:VENode.init(path) let self.path = a:path if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() && !&ssl let self.name = matchstr(a:path,'[^\\]*\\$','','g') else let self.name = matchstr(a:path,'[^/]*\/$','','g') endif endfunction "Refresh tree node function! s:VENode.updateNode() "Once a node is updated, it means that the node has been opened. let self.isopen = 1 "Create new dir list let newDirList = [] for i in split(g:VEPlatform.globpath(self.path),"\n") if isdirectory(i) == 1 if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() && !&ssl let i = matchstr(i,'[^\\]*$','','g') . "\\" else let i = matchstr(i,'[^/]*$','','g') . "/" endif call add(newDirList,i) endif endfor "Remove nolonger exist dirs. for i in keys(self.childs) if index(newDirList,i) == -1 call remove(self.childs,i) endif endfor "Create new nodes for i in newDirList if !has_key(self.childs,i) let self.childs[i] = deepcopy(s:VENode) call self.childs[i].init(self.path . i) endif endfor "find out which child has their own childs if !empty(self.childs) let self.hasOwnChilds = 1 else let self.hasOwnChilds = 0 return endif if g:VEConf.showFolderStatus == 0 for i in keys(self.childs) let self.childs[i].hasOwnChilds = 1 endfor else for i in keys(self.childs) let _hasOwnChilds = 0 for j in split(g:VEPlatform.globpath(self.childs[i].path),"\n") if isdirectory(j) == 1 let _hasOwnChilds = 1 break endif endfor if _hasOwnChilds == 1 let self.childs[i].hasOwnChilds = 1 endif endfor endif "update opened child nodes for i in keys(self.childs) if self.childs[i].isopen == 1 call self.childs[i].updateNode() endif endfor endfunction "Toggle open/close status of one node "the path should end with '\' such as c:\aaa\bbb\ "example "c:\\aaa\\bbb\\" "aaa\\bbb\\" "bbb\\" function! s:VENode.toggle(path) if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() && !&ssl let childPath = substitute(a:path,'^.\{-}\\','','g') else let childPath = substitute(a:path,'^.\{-}\/','','g') endif if childPath == '' let self.isopen = !self.isopen if self.isopen == 1 call self.updateNode() endif else if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() && !&ssl let nodeName = matchstr(childPath,'^.\{-}\\') else let nodeName = matchstr(childPath,'^.\{-}\/') endif if !has_key(self.childs,nodeName) echoerr "path error" endif let self.isopen = 1 call self.childs[nodeName].toggle(childPath) endif endfunction "Open the giving path "the path should end with '\' such as c:\aaa\bbb\ "example "c:\\aaa\\bbb\\" "aaa\\bbb\\" "bbb\\" function! s:VENode.openPath(path) if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() && !&ssl let childPath = substitute(a:path,'^.\{-}\\','','g') else let childPath = substitute(a:path,'^.\{-}\/','','g') endif if childPath == '' if empty(self.childs) call self.updateNode() endif return else if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() && !&ssl let nodeName = matchstr(childPath,'^.\{-}\\') else let nodeName = matchstr(childPath,'^.\{-}\/') endif if !has_key(self.childs,nodeName) call self.updateNode() endif if !has_key(self.childs,nodeName) "refreshed and still can not find the path. echoerr "Path error!" return else let self.isopen = 1 call self.childs[nodeName].openPath(childPath) endif endif endfunction "Draw the tree, depend on the status of every tree node. function! s:VENode.draw(tree,depth) if self.hasOwnChilds == 0 let name = repeat(' ',a:depth*2).' '.self.name call add(a:tree,[name,self.path]) return endif if self.isopen let name = repeat(' ',a:depth*2).'- '.self.name if a:depth == 0 "let the root node looks different let name = '- [' . self.name . ']' endif call add(a:tree,[name,self.path]) let keys = sort(keys(self.childs),"VEPlatform_sortCompare") if !g:VEConf.treeSortDirection call reverse(keys) endif for i in keys call self.childs[i].draw(a:tree,a:depth+1) endfor else let name = repeat(' ',a:depth*2).'+ '.self.name if a:depth == 0 "let the root node looks different let name = '+ [' . self.name . ']' endif call add(a:tree,[name,self.path]) endif endfunction " class VETree {{{1 "============================= let s:VETree = {} let s:VETree.content = [] let s:VETree.rootNodes = {} "Object Constructor function! s:VETree.init() call g:VEPlatform.getRoot(self.rootNodes) "for i in keys(self.rootNodes) " call self.rootNodes[i].updateNode() "endfor endfunction function! s:VETree.togglePath(path) if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() && !&ssl let rootNodeName = matchstr(a:path,'^.\{-}\\') else let rootNodeName = matchstr(a:path,'^.\{-}\/') endif call self.rootNodes[rootNodeName].toggle(a:path) endfunction function! s:VETree.openPath(path) if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() && !&ssl let rootNodeName = matchstr(a:path,'^.\{-}\\') else let rootNodeName = matchstr(a:path,'^.\{-}\/') endif call self.rootNodes[rootNodeName].openPath(a:path) endfunction " fill self.content function! s:VETree.draw() let keys = sort(keys(self.rootNodes),"VEPlatform_sortCompare") if g:VEConf.treeSortDirection == 0 call reverse(keys) endif for i in keys call self.rootNodes[i].draw(self.content,0) endfor endfunction function! s:VETree.update(path) call g:VEPlatform.getRoot(self.rootNodes) "toggle twice to update current directory call self.togglePath(a:path) call self.togglePath(a:path) " costs too much time. "for i in keys(self.rootNodes) " call self.rootNodes[i].updateNode() "endfor endfunction " class VETreePanel {{{1 "============================= let s:VETreePanel = {} let s:VETreePanel.tree = {} let s:VETreePanel.name = '' let s:VETreePanel.path = '' let s:VETreePanel.width = 0 let s:VETreePanel.splitMode = '' let s:VETreePanel.splitLocation = '' "Object Constructor function! s:VETreePanel.init(name,path) let self.name = "VETreePanel" . a:name let self.path = a:path let self.width = g:VEConf.treePanelWidth let self.splitMode = g:VEConf.treePanelSplitMode let self.splitLocation = g:VEConf.treePanelSplitLocation let self.tree = deepcopy(s:VETree) call self.tree.init() call self.tree.openPath(a:path) endfunction function! s:VETreePanel.setFocus() let VETreeWinNr = bufwinnr(self.name) if VETreeWinNr != -1 exec VETreeWinNr . " wincmd w" return 1 else let bufNr = bufnr(self.name) if bufNr != -1 exec "bwipeout " . bufNr endif return 0 endif endfunction "Sync the tree with filesystem and refresh the tree panel function! s:VETreePanel.refresh() if !self.setFocus() return endif call self.tree.update(self.path) call self.drawTree() endfunction "Draw the dir tree but do not sync the tree with filesystem function! s:VETreePanel.drawTree() if !self.setFocus() return endif if !empty(self.tree.content) call remove(self.tree.content,0,-1) endif call add(self.tree.content,[hostname() . " (Press ? for help)",""]) call self.tree.draw() let tree = [] let lineNr = line(".") for i in self.tree.content if i[1] == self.path let i[0] = i[0] . " [current]" let lineNr = index(self.tree.content,i) + 1 endif call add(tree,i[0]) endfor setlocal noreadonly setlocal modifiable "Let the cursor go back to right line and right position in "the screen. normal! H let Hline = line(".") silent normal! ggdG call append(0,tree) silent normal! Gddgg exec "normal! " . Hline . "G" normal! zt exec "normal! " . lineNr . "G" setlocal readonly setlocal nomodifiable endfunction "Show tree panel function! s:VETreePanel.show() if self.setFocus() return endif let cmd = self.splitLocation . " " . self.splitMode . ' ' . self.width . ' new ' . self.name silent! execute cmd let VETreeWinNr = bufwinnr(self.name) if VETreeWinNr != -1 exec VETreeWinNr . " wincmd w" setlocal winfixwidth setlocal noswapfile setlocal buftype=nowrite setlocal bufhidden=delete setlocal nowrap setlocal foldcolumn=0 setlocal nobuflisted setlocal nospell setlocal nonumber setlocal cursorline setlocal readonly setlocal nomodifiable "call self.refresh() call self.drawTree() call self.createActions() call self.createSyntax() else echoerr "create tree window failed!" endif endfunction "Hide tree panel function! s:VETreePanel.hide() if !self.setFocus() return else "make sure there are no more than 1 buffer has the same name let bufNr = bufnr('%') "exec "wincmd c" quit exec "bwipeout ".bufNr endif endfunction function! s:VETreePanel.getPathUnderCursor(num) return self.tree.content[a:num][1] endfunction function! s:VETreePanel.nodeClicked(num) if self.tree.content[a:num][1] == "" return endif let path = self.tree.content[a:num][1] if self.path != path "let self.path = path call VE_GotoPath(path) "Do not toggle if it is the first time switch to another tree node. call self.setFocus() return endif call self.tree.togglePath(path) call self.drawTree() endfunction function! s:VETreePanel.pathChanged(path) if self.path == a:path return endif call g:VEPlatform.cdToPath(a:path) let self.path = g:VEPlatform.getcwd() call self.tree.openPath(self.path) call self.drawTree() endfunction function! s:VETreePanel.createActions() exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.treePanelHotkey.help . " :tab h VimExplorer" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.treePanelHotkey.toggleNode . " :call VE_OnTreeNodeClick()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.treePanelHotkey.toggleNodeMouse. " :call VE_OnTreeNodeClick()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.treePanelHotkey.refresh . " :call VE_TreeRefresh()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.treePanelHotkey.toggleFilePanel ." :call VE_ToggleFilePanel()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.treePanelHotkey.toUpperDir . " :call VE_ToUpperDir()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.treePanelHotkey.switchPanel . " " exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.treePanelHotkey.favorite . " :call VE_GotoFavorite()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.treePanelHotkey.addToFavorite . " :call VE_AddToFavorite('treePanel')" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.treePanelHotkey.browseHistory . " :call VE_BrowseHistory()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.treePanelHotkey.gotoPath . " :call VE_OpenPath()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.treePanelHotkey.quitVE . " :call VEDestroy()" " autocmd au! * au BufEnter call VE_SyncDir() " Status line setlocal statusline=%{getcwd()} endfunction function! s:VETreePanel.createSyntax() if !self.setFocus() return endif call g:VEConf.treePanelSyntax() endfunction " class VEFilePanel {{{1 "============================= let s:VEFilePanel = {} let s:VEFilePanel.fileList = [] let s:VEFilePanel.displayList = [] " displayList [ " [ "display name", "real path" ], " ... " ] let s:VEFilePanel.selectedFiles = [] let s:VEFilePanel.leavePosition = {} let s:VEFilePanel.name = '' let s:VEFilePanel.path = '' let s:VEFilePanel.width = 0 let s:VEFilePanel.splitMode = "" let s:VEFilePanel.splitLocation = "" function! s:VEFilePanel.init(name,path) let self.name = "VEFilePanel".a:name let self.path = a:path let self.splitMode = g:VEConf.filePanelSplitMode let self.splitLocation = g:VEConf.filePanelSplitLocation let self.width = g:VEConf.filePanelWidth endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.show() if self.setFocus() return endif let cmd = self.splitLocation . " " . self.splitMode . ' ' . self.width . ' new ' . self.name silent! exec cmd if !self.setFocus() echoerr "create file window failed!" endif setlocal winfixwidth setlocal noswapfile setlocal buftype=nowrite setlocal bufhidden=delete setlocal nowrap setlocal foldcolumn=0 setlocal nobuflisted setlocal nospell setlocal nonumber setlocal cursorline setlocal readonly setlocal nomodifiable setlocal tabstop=40 "This is used to display file list more orderliness. call self.refresh() call self.createActions() call self.createSyntax() endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.only() if !self.setFocus() return endif only endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.hide() if !self.setFocus() return else let bufNr = bufnr('%') exec "wincmd c" exec "bwipeout ".bufNr endif endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.refresh() call self.getFileListFromCwd() call self.updateDisplayList() call self.drawList() endfunction "Draw the displayList on the screen. function! s:VEFilePanel.drawList() if !self.setFocus() return endif "calculate window width let VEFileWinNr = bufwinnr(self.name) let winWidth = winwidth(VEFileWinNr) exec "setlocal tabstop=" . ((winWidth-41)<20?20:(winWidth-41)) setlocal noreadonly setlocal modifiable let curLine = line(".") normal! H let Hline = line(".") silent normal! ggdG let displayContent = [] for i in self.displayList "here i is reference,not copy if index(self.selectedFiles,i[1]) != -1 let tmpi = '*' . substitute(i[0],'^.','','g') else let tmpi = i[0] endif call add(displayContent,tmpi) endfor call append(0,displayContent) normal! Gddgg exec "normal! " . Hline . "G" normal! zt exec "normal! " . curLine . "G" setlocal readonly setlocal nomodifiable endfunction "Update the displayList. function! s:VEFilePanel.updateDisplayList() if g:VEConf.filePanelSortType == 1 call self.sortByName() elseif g:VEConf.filePanelSortType == 2 call self.sortByTime() else call self.sortByType() endif endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.toggleModes() if g:VEConf.filePanelSortType < 2 let g:VEConf.filePanelSortType = g:VEConf.filePanelSortType + 1 else let g:VEConf.filePanelSortType = 0 endif call self.updateDisplayList() call self.drawList() endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.getFileListFromCwd() let self.fileList = split(g:VEPlatform.globpath_file(self.path),"\n") endfunction " 1 function! s:VEFilePanel.sortByName() let fileGroup = {} " example " { " "name" : "path" " } for i in self.fileList if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() && !&ssl let name = matchstr(i,'[^\\]*$','','g') else let name = matchstr(i,'[^/]*$','','g') endif if isdirectory(i) if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() && !&ssl if i[-1:] != "\\" let i = i . "\\" endif else if i[-1:] != "/" let i = i . "/" endif endif " add # before directory to sort separately. let name = '#' . name endif let fileGroup[name] = i endfor let keys = sort(keys(fileGroup),"VEPlatform_sortCompare") if !g:VEConf.fileGroupSortDirection call reverse(keys) endif let self.displayList = [] call add(self.displayList,["Path: ".self.path,'']) call add(self.displayList,[repeat("~",100),'']) call add(self.displayList,['[ Sort by name ]','']) for i in keys call add(self.displayList,[" " . g:VEPlatform.pathToName(fileGroup[i]),fileGroup[i]]) endfor endfunction " 2 function! s:VEFilePanel.sortByTime() let fileGroup = {} " example " { " "name" : "path" " } for i in self.fileList let time = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",getftime(i)) let time = time . i "let the key of dict unique if isdirectory(i) if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() && !&ssl if i[-1:] != "\\" let i = i . "\\" endif else if i[-1:] != "/" let i = i . "/" endif endif endif let fileGroup[time] = i endfor let keys = sort(keys(fileGroup),"VEPlatform_sortCompare") if !g:VEConf.fileGroupSortDirection call reverse(keys) endif let self.displayList = [] call add(self.displayList,["Path: ".self.path,'']) call add(self.displayList,[repeat("~",100),'']) call add(self.displayList,['[ Sort by time ]','']) for i in keys call add(self.displayList,[" " . g:VEPlatform.pathToName(fileGroup[i]),fileGroup[i]]) endfor endfunction " 3 not implemented yet "function! s:VEFilePanel.sortBySize() " let fileGroup = {} " " example " " { " " "name" : "path" " " } " for i in self.fileList " let time = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",getftime(i)) " let time = time . i "let the key of dict unique " if isdirectory(i) " " add # before directory to sort separately. " " need?? " "let time = '#' . time " if i[-1:] != "\\" " let i = i . "\\" " endif " endif " let fileGroup[time] = i " endfor " let keys = sort(keys(fileGroup)) " if !g:VEConf.fileGroupSortDirection " call reverse(keys) " endif " let self.displayList = [] " call add(self.displayList,["Path: ".self.path,'']) " call add(self.displayList,[repeat("~",100),'']) " call add(self.displayList,['[ Sort by time ]','']) " for i in keys " call add(self.displayList,[" " . g:VEPlatform.pathToName(fileGroup[i]),fileGroup[i]]) " endfor "endfunction " 0 function! s:VEFilePanel.sortByType() let fileGroup = {} " example " { " "directory" : [ " "c:\\aaa\\", " "c:\\bbb\\" " ] " "txt" : [ " "c:\\mm.txt", " "c:\\nn.txt" " ] " } for i in self.fileList " i ("c:\\ddd\\eee.fff") if isdirectory(i) "if the group dos not exist,create it first if !has_key(fileGroup,'#Directory') "assert file name does not contain '#' let fileGroup['#Directory'] = [] endif if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() && !&ssl if i[-1:] != "\\" let i = i . "\\" endif else if i[-1:] != "/" let i = i . "/" endif endif call add(fileGroup['#Directory'],i) continue endif if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() && !&ssl let matchStr = '\\\.[^\\]\+$' else let matchStr = '\/\.[^/]\+$' endif if matchstr(i,matchStr) != '' if !has_key(fileGroup,'#Hidden files') let fileGroup['#Hidden files'] = [] endif call add(fileGroup['#Hidden files'],i) continue endif if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() && !&ssl let fileExtension = matchstr(substitute(i,'^.*\\','','g'),'\.[^.]\{-}$') else let fileExtension = matchstr(substitute(i,'^.*\/','','g'),'\.[^.]\{-}$') endif if fileExtension == '' "files have no extensions if !has_key(fileGroup,'#Files') let fileGroup['#Files'] = [] endif call add(fileGroup['#Files'],i) continue else "group the file by it's ext.name " # is always smaller than $ " so it can keep dir in the top if !has_key(fileGroup,"$".fileExtension) let fileGroup["$".fileExtension] = [] endif call add(fileGroup["$".fileExtension],i) endif endfor "update self.displayList let self.displayList = [] call add(self.displayList,["Path: ".self.path,'']) call add(self.displayList,[repeat("~",100),'']) let keys = sort(keys(fileGroup),"VEPlatform_sortCompare") if !g:VEConf.fileGroupSortDirection call reverse(keys) endif for i in keys call add(self.displayList,['[ '.i[1:].' ]','']) call sort(fileGroup[i],"VEPlatform_sortCompare") if !g:VEConf.fileGroupSortDirection call reverse(fileGroup[i]) endif for j in fileGroup[i] call add(self.displayList,[" " . g:VEPlatform.pathToName(j),j]) endfor call add(self.displayList,[" ",'']) endfor if self.displayList[-1][0] == " " call remove(self.displayList,-1) "remove last empty line endif endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.pathChanged(path) call self.setFocus() if self.path == a:path return endif "store the current mouse position. let linePos = line('.') normal! H let topPos = line('.') let self.leavePosition[self.path] = [topPos,linePos] " call g:VEPlatform.cdToPath(a:path) let self.selectedFiles = [] "clear the selectedFile list let self.path = g:VEPlatform.getcwd() call self.refresh() "restore position if has_key(self.leavePosition,self.path) exec "normal! " . self.leavePosition[self.path][0] . "G" normal! zt exec "normal! " . self.leavePosition[self.path][1] . "G" else normal! ggM if line('.') < 4 "put the cursor to first dir. normal! 4G endif endif endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.setFocus() let VEFileWinNr = bufwinnr(self.name) if VEFileWinNr != -1 exec VEFileWinNr . " wincmd w" return 1 else "If the window of buffer was closed by hand and the "buffer still in buffer list, wipeout it. "In case of bufnr() returns empty when there are two "buffers have the same name. let bufNr = bufnr(self.name) if bufNr != -1 exec "bwipeout " . bufNr endif return 0 endif endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.itemClicked(line) let path = self.displayList[a:line][1] if path == '' return endif if isdirectory(path) call VE_GotoPath(path) call self.setFocus() return else call g:VEPlatform.start(path) endif endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.itemPreview(line) let path = self.displayList[a:line][1] if path == '' return endif exec g:VEConf.previewSplitLocation . " pedit " . g:VEPlatform.escape(path) endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.singleFileAction(line,actionName) let path = self.displayList[a:line][1] if path == '' return endif call g:VEConf_singleFileActions[a:actionName](path) endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.normalAction(actionName) call g:VEConf_normalActions[a:actionName]() endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.multiAction(actionName) call g:VEConf_multiFileActions[a:actionName](self.selectedFiles) endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.deleteSingle(line,bForce) let path = self.displayList[a:line][1] if path == '' return endif if g:VEPlatform.deleteSingle(path,a:bForce) if index(self.selectedFiles,path) != -1 call remove(self.selectedFiles,index(self.selectedFiles,path)) endif call self.refresh() endif endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.deleteSelectedFiles(bForce) if empty(self.selectedFiles) return endif if g:VEPlatform.deleteMultiple(self.selectedFiles,a:bForce) let self.selectedFiles = [] call self.refresh() endif endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.toggleSelect(direction) if a:direction == "up" exec "norm " . "\" endif let line = line(".") - 1 let path = self.displayList[line][1] if path != '' let idx = index(self.selectedFiles,path) if idx == -1 call add(self.selectedFiles,path) else call remove(self.selectedFiles,idx) endif call self.drawList() endif if a:direction == "down" exec "norm " . "\" endif endfunction! function! s:VEFilePanel.clearSelect() let self.selectedFiles = [] call self.drawList() endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.visualSelect(firstLine,lastLine) for line in range(a:firstLine,(a:lastLine>=len(self.displayList)?(len(self.displayList)-1):a:lastLine)) let path = self.displayList[line][1] if path == '' continue endif let idx = index(self.selectedFiles,path) if idx == -1 call add(self.selectedFiles,path) else call remove(self.selectedFiles,idx) endif endfor call self.drawList() endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.visualDelete(firstLine,lastLine,bForce) let displayList = [] for line in range(a:firstLine,(a:lastLine>=len(self.displayList)?(len(self.displayList)-1):a:lastLine)) let path = self.displayList[line][1] if path == '' continue endif call add(displayList,path) endfor if empty(displayList) return endif if g:VEPlatform.deleteMultiple(displayList,a:bForce) call self.refresh() endif endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.visualYank(firstLine,lastLine,mode) let displayList = [] for line in range(a:firstLine,(a:lastLine>=len(self.displayList)?(len(self.displayList)-1):a:lastLine)) let path = self.displayList[line][1] if path == '' continue endif call add(displayList,path) endfor if empty(displayList) return endif let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') let s:VEContainer.yankMode = a:mode let s:VEContainer.clipboard = displayList call s:VEContainer.showClipboard() endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.yankSingle(mode) let line = line(".") - 1 let path = self.displayList[line][1] if path != '' let s:VEContainer.yankMode = a:mode let s:VEContainer.clipboard = [] call add(s:VEContainer.clipboard,path) endif call s:VEContainer.showClipboard() endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.paste() if s:VEContainer.yankMode == '' || s:VEContainer.clipboard == [] return endif let retList = g:VEPlatform.copyMultiFile(s:VEContainer.clipboard,self.path) if s:VEContainer.yankMode == 'cut' && len(retList) != 0 "let tmpRec = g:VEConf.recyclePath " save recycle path "let g:VEConf.recyclePath = '' for i in retList call g:VEPlatform.delete(i,1) "force delete endfor "let g:VEConf.recyclePath = tmpRec let s:VEContainer.yankMode = '' let s:VEContainer.clipboard = [] endif "if s:VEContainer.yankMode == 'cut' " call g:VEPlatform.copyMultiFile(s:VEContainer.clipboard,self.path,1) "else " call g:VEPlatform.copyMultiFile(s:VEContainer.clipboard,self.path,0) "endif let s:VEContainer.yankMode = '' let s:VEContainer.clipboard = [] call self.refresh() "call s:VEContainer.showClipboard() endfunction! function! s:VEFilePanel.markViaRegexp(regexp) if a:regexp == '' echohl Special let regexp = input("Mark files (regexp): ") echohl None else let regexp = a:regexp endif let self.selectedFiles = [] for i in self.displayList if g:VEPlatform.haswin32() && !&ssl let name = matchstr(i[1],'[^\\]*.$','','g') else let name = matchstr(i[1],'[^/]*.$','','g') endif if matchstr(name,regexp) != '' call add(self.selectedFiles,i[1]) endif endfor call self.drawList() endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.markExecutable() let self.selectedFiles = [] for i in self.displayList if g:VEPlatform.executable(i[1]) call add(self.selectedFiles,i[1]) endif endfor call self.drawList() endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.newFile() echohl Special let filename = input("Create file : ",self.path,"file") echohl None if filename == '' echo " " return endif if g:VEPlatform.mkfile(filename) echohl Special | echomsg "OK" | echohl None call self.refresh() else echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg "Can not create file!" | echohl None endif endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.newDirectory() if !exists("*mkdir") echoerr "mkdir feature not found!" endif echohl Special let dirname = input("Create directory : ",self.path,"file") echohl None if dirname == '' echo " " return endif if findfile(dirname) == '' && g:VEPlatform.mkdir(dirname) echohl Special | echomsg "OK" | echohl None call self.refresh() else echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg "Can not create directory!" | echohl None endif endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.rename(line) let path = self.displayList[a:line][1] if path == '' return endif echohl Special let name = input("Rename to: ",path,"file") echohl None if name == '' echo " " return endif if findfile(name) != '' echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg "File exists!" | echohl None return endif if rename(path,name) == 0 echohl Special | echomsg "OK" | echohl None call self.refresh() else echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg "Can not rename!" | echohl None endif endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.search() echohl Special let filename = input("Search : ") echohl None if filename == '' echo " " return endif echohl Special | echomsg "Searching [" . filename . "] in " . self.path . ", please wait...(Ctrl-C to break)" | echohl None let self.fileList = g:VEPlatform.search(filename,self.path) call self.updateDisplayList() call self.drawList() endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.statusFileName() let line = line(".") - 1 let fname = self.displayList[line][1] "let fname = substitute(fname,self.path,'','g') let fname = fname[len(self.path):] return fname endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.createActions() exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.help . " :tab h VimExplorer" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.switchPanel . " " exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.itemClicked . " :call VE_OnFileItemClick()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.itemClickMouse. " :call VE_OnFileItemClick()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.toggleTreePanel ." :call VE_ToggleTreePanel()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.toUpperDir . " :call VE_ToUpperDir()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.gotoForward . " :call VE_GotoForward()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.gotoBackward . " :call VE_GotoBackward()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.openPreview . " :call VE_OnFileOpenPreview()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.closePreview . " :call VE_ClosePreviewPanel()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.deleteSingle . " :call VE_DeleteSingle(0)" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.deleteSingleF. " :call VE_DeleteSingle(1)" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.rename . " :call VE_Rename()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.refresh . " :call VE_RefreshFilePanel()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.toggleSelectUp ." :call VE_ToggleSelectFile(\"up\")" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.toggleSelectDown." :call VE_ToggleSelectFile(\"down\")" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.clearSelect . " :call VE_ClearSelectFile()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.deleteSelected . " :call VE_DeleteSelectedFiles(0)" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.deleteSelectedF. " :call VE_DeleteSelectedFiles(1)" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.yankSelected . " :call VE_YankSelectedFiles(\"copy\")" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.cutSelected . " :call VE_YankSelectedFiles(\"cut\")" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.yankSingle . " :call VE_YankSingle(\"copy\")" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.cutSingle . " :call VE_YankSingle(\"cut\")" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.showYankList . " :call VE_ShowYankList()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.toggleModes . " :call VE_ToggleModes()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.paste . " :call VE_Paste()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.markViaRegexp . " :call VE_MarkViaRegexp('')" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.markExecutable . " :call VE_MarkExecutable()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.markVimFiles . " :call VE_MarkViaRegexp('.*.vim$')" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.markDirectory . " :call VE_MarkViaRegexp('.*[\\/]$')" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.newFile . " :call VE_NewFile()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.newDirectory . " :call VE_NewDirectory()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.markViaRegexp . " :call VE_MarkViaRegexp('')" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.favorite . " :call VE_GotoFavorite()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.addToFavorite . " :call VE_AddToFavorite('filePanel')" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.browseHistory . " :call VE_BrowseHistory()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.gotoPath . " :call VE_OpenPath()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.diff2files . " :call VE_Diff()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.quitVE . " :call VEDestroy()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.toggleHidden . " :call VE_ToggleHidden()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.search . " :call VE_FileSearch()" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.toggleSelMouse . " :call VE_ToggleSelectFile(\"\")" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.contextMenuN . " :popup ]FilePanelPopup" let letter = char2nr('a') while letter <= char2nr('z') exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.markPlace . nr2char(letter) . \" :call VE_MarkPlace(\"" . nr2char(letter) . "\")" exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.gotoPlace . nr2char(letter) . \" :call VE_MarkSwitchTo(\"" . nr2char(letter) . "\")" let letter = letter + 1 endwhile exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.viewMarks . " :call VE_MarkList()" " visual mode map exec "vnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.visualSelect . " :call VE_VisualSelect()" exec "vnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.visualDelete . " :call VE_VisualDelete(0)" exec "vnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.visualDeleteF. " :call VE_VisualDelete(1)" exec "vnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.visualYank . " :call VE_VisualYank(\"copy\")" exec "vnoremap " . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.visualCut . " :call VE_VisualYank(\"cut\")" " User defined map for i in keys(g:VEConf_normalHotKeys) exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf_normalHotKeys[i] . \" :call VE_NormalAction(\"" . i . "\")" endfor for i in keys(g:VEConf_singleFileHotKeys) exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf_singleFileHotKeys[i] . \" :call VE_SingleFileAction(\"" . i . "\")" endfor for i in keys(g:VEConf_multiFileHotKeys) exec "nnoremap " . g:VEConf_multiFileHotKeys[i] . \" :call VE_MultiFileAction(\"" . i . "\")" endfor " Auto commands au! * au BufEnter call VE_SyncDir() " Status line setlocal statusline=%{VE_GetStatusFileName()}%=[%{getcwd()}]\ %{strftime(\"\%Y-\%m-\%d\ \%H:\%M\")} endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.createSyntax() let VEFileWinNr = bufwinnr(self.name) if VEFileWinNr != -1 exec VEFileWinNr . " wincmd w" else return endif call g:VEConf.filePanelSyntax() endfunction function! s:VEFilePanel.getPathUnderCursor(num) return self.displayList[a:num][1] endfunction " class VEPreviewPanel {{{1 "============================= "let s:VEPreviewPanel = {} "let s:VEPreviewPanel.name = '' "let s:VEPreviewPanel.width = 0 "let s:VEPreviewPanel.splitMode = '' "let s:VEPreviewPanel.splitLocation = '' " "function! s:VEPreviewPanel.init(name) " let self.name = "VEPreviewPanel" . a:name " let self.width = g:VEConf.previewPanelWidth " let self.splitMode = g:VEConf.previewPanelSplitMode " let self.splitLocation = g:VEConf.previewPanelSplitLocation "endfunction "function! s:VEPreviewPanel.show() " if self.setFocus() " return " endif " let cmd = self.splitLocation . " " . self.splitMode . self.width . ' new ' " exec cmd " if !self.setFocus() " echoerr "create file window failed!" " else " edit self.name " endif "endfunction "function! s:VEPreviewPanel.setFocus() " let VEPreviewWinNr = bufwinnr(self.name) " if VEPreviewWinNr != -1 " exec VEPreviewWinNr . " wincmd w" " return 1 " else " "If the window of buffer was closed by hand and the " "buffer still in buffer list, wipeout it. " "In case of bufnr() returns empty when there are two " "buffers have the same name. " let bufNr = bufnr(self.name) " if bufNr != -1 " exec "bwipeout " . bufNr " endif " return 0 " endif "endfunction " "function! s:VEPreviewPanel.hide() " if !self.setFocus() " return " else " let bufNr = bufnr('%') "" exec "wincmd c" " exec "bwipeout ".bufNr " endif "endfunction " "function! s:VEPreviewPanel.preview(path) " if !self.setFocus() " let self.name = a:path " let cmd = self.splitLocation . " " . self.splitMode . self.width . ' new' " exec cmd " exec "edit " . self.name " return " else " let self.name = a:path " exec "edit " . self.name " endif "endfunction " class VEFrameWork {{{1 "============================= let s:VEFrameWork = {} let s:VEFrameWork.name = '' let s:VEFrameWork.treePanel = {} let s:VEFrameWork.filePanel = {} "let s:VEFrameWork.previewPanel = {} let s:VEFrameWork.pathHistory = [] let s:VEFrameWork.pathPosition = -1 "Object Constructor function! s:VEFrameWork.init(name,path) let self.name = "VEFrameWork".a:name let self.filePanel = deepcopy(s:VEFilePanel) let self.treePanel = deepcopy(s:VETreePanel) "let self.previewPanel = deepcopy(s:VEPreviewPanel) call self.filePanel.init(a:name,a:path) call self.treePanel.init(a:name,a:path) "call self.previewPanel.init(a:name) call add(self.pathHistory,a:path) let self.pathPosition += 1 endfunction function! s:VEFrameWork.show() tabnew call self.filePanel.show() call self.filePanel.only() "so,here it means filePanel should be displayed first call self.treePanel.show() call self.filePanel.setFocus() call self.filePanel.refresh() normal! M endfunction "Switch to another path, it will change the forward/backward "history. function! s:VEFrameWork.gotoPath(path) call self.treePanel.pathChanged(a:path) call self.filePanel.pathChanged(a:path) if len(self.pathHistory) > self.pathPosition+1 call remove(self.pathHistory,self.pathPosition+1,-1) endif call add(self.pathHistory,a:path) if len(self.pathHistory) > g:VEConf.browseHistory call remove(self.pathHistory,0) else let self.pathPosition += 1 endif endfunction "Forward and backward function! s:VEFrameWork.gotoForward() if self.pathPosition >= len(self.pathHistory) || \ self.pathPosition < 0 || \ empty(self.pathHistory) return endif if self.pathPosition+1 == len(self.pathHistory) "Can not forward return endif let self.pathPosition += 1 "Do not call VE_GotoPath here! It will change pathHistory. "Call the follows instead. call self.treePanel.pathChanged(self.pathHistory[self.pathPosition]) call self.filePanel.pathChanged(self.pathHistory[self.pathPosition]) endfunction function! s:VEFrameWork.gotoBackward() if self.pathPosition >= len(self.pathHistory) || \ self.pathPosition < 0 || \ empty(self.pathHistory) return endif if self.pathPosition == 0 "Can not go back. return endif let self.pathPosition -= 1 "Do not call VE_GotoPath here! It will change pathHistory. "Call the follows instead. call self.treePanel.pathChanged(self.pathHistory[self.pathPosition]) call self.filePanel.pathChanged(self.pathHistory[self.pathPosition]) endfunction "Object destructor function! s:VEFrameWork.destroy() call self.filePanel.hide() call self.treePanel.hide() endfunction "#################################################### "global variables and functions {{{1 let s:VEContainer = {} "contains all VEFrameWorks let s:VEContainer.clipboard = [] "shared clipboard let s:VEContainer.yankMode = '' "cut or yank let s:VEContainer.markPlaces = {} function! s:VECreatePopMenu() silent! unmenu ]FilePanelPopup menu ]FilePanelPopup.&Open :call VE_OnFileItemClick() menu ]FilePanelPopup.-sep0- : menu ]FilePanelPopup.&Copy :call VE_YankSingle("copy") menu ]FilePanelPopup.C&ut :call VE_YankSingle("cut") menu ]FilePanelPopup.-sep1- : menu ]FilePanelPopup.&Rename :call VE_Rename() menu ]FilePanelPopup.&Delete :call VE_DeleteSingle(0) menu ]FilePanelPopup.Pre&view :call VE_OnFileOpenPreview() menu ]FilePanelPopup.&Mark :call VE_ToggleSelectFile("") menu ]FilePanelPopup.-sep2- : menu ]FilePanelPopup.&Paste :call VE_Paste() menu ]FilePanelPopup.&New.&File :call VE_NewFile() menu ]FilePanelPopup.&New.&Directory :call VE_NewDirectory() menu ]FilePanelPopup.-sep3- : menu ]FilePanelPopup.Re&fresh :call VE_RefreshFilePanel() endfunction function! VENew(path) call s:VECreatePopMenu() let frameName = '_' . substitute(reltimestr(reltime()),'\.','','g') if a:path == '' echohl Special let workPath = input("VimExplorer (directory): ",g:VEPlatform.getcwd(),"file") echohl None if workPath == '' return endif else let workPath = a:path endif call g:VEPlatform.cdToPath(workPath) let workPath = g:VEPlatform.getcwd() "Conversions capitalisations "does not work here. if !isdirectory(workPath) echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg "Directory not exist!" | echohl None return endif let s:VEContainer[frameName] = deepcopy(s:VEFrameWork) call s:VEContainer[frameName].init(frameName,workPath) call s:VEContainer[frameName].show() let letter = char2nr('a') while letter <= char2nr('z') let s:VEContainer.markPlaces[nr2char(letter)] = '' let letter = letter + 1 endwhile endfunction function! VEDestroy() let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].destroy() call remove(s:VEContainer,winName) endif endfunction function! s:VEContainer.showClipboard() echohl Special let msg = len(self.clipboard) . " files in clipboard, Mode: " . self.yankMode . ", " let msg = msg . '(press ' . g:VEConf.filePanelHotkey.showYankList . ' to show file list)' echomsg msg echohl None endfunction " Get path name under cursor function! VE_getPathUnderCursor(where) let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') let path = '' if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) if a:where == 'treePanel' let path = s:VEContainer[winName].treePanel.getPathUnderCursor(line(".")-1) elseif a:where == 'filePanel' let path = s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.getPathUnderCursor(line(".")-1) endif endif if !isdirectory(path) return '' else return path endif endfunction "Command handlers "=================================== "TreePanel command handlers "---------------------------- "Node click event function! VE_OnTreeNodeClick() let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].treePanel.nodeClicked(line(".")-1) endif endfunction "Refresh tree command function! VE_TreeRefresh() let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].treePanel.refresh() endif endfunction "FilePanel command handlers "---------------------------- "Item click event. function! VE_OnFileItemClick() let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.itemClicked(line(".")-1) endif endfunction "Open preview. function! VE_OnFileOpenPreview() let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.itemPreview(line(".")-1) endif endfunction "Refresh the panel. function! VE_RefreshFilePanel() let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.refresh() endif endfunction "User defined single file actions. function! VE_SingleFileAction(actionName) let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.singleFileAction((line(".")-1),a:actionName) endif endfunction "User defined normal actions. function! VE_NormalAction(actionName) let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.normalAction(a:actionName) endif endfunction "Multiple file actions. function! VE_MultiFileAction(actionName) let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.multiAction(a:actionName) endif endfunction "Delete single file or directory. function! VE_DeleteSingle(bForce) let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.deleteSingle(line(".")-1,a:bForce) endif endfunction "Rename file or dir function! VE_Rename() let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.rename(line(".")-1) endif endfunction "Toggle select a file in file panel. function! VE_ToggleSelectFile(direction) let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.toggleSelect(a:direction) endif endfunction "Clear selection. function! VE_ClearSelectFile() let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.clearSelect() endif endfunction "Toggle sort mode function! VE_ToggleModes() let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.toggleModes() endif endfunction "Mark via regexp function! VE_MarkViaRegexp(regexp) let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.markViaRegexp(a:regexp) endif endfunction "Mark executable files. function! VE_MarkExecutable() let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.markExecutable() endif endfunction "create file function! VE_NewFile() let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.newFile() endif endfunction "create directory function! VE_NewDirectory() let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.newDirectory() endif endfunction "delete selected files. function! VE_DeleteSelectedFiles(bForce) let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.deleteSelectedFiles(a:bForce) endif endfunction "delete selected files. function! VE_YankSelectedFiles(mode) let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) let s:VEContainer.clipboard = s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.selectedFiles let s:VEContainer.yankMode = a:mode endif call s:VEContainer.showClipboard() endfunction function! VE_YankSingle(mode) let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.yankSingle(a:mode) endif endfunction function! VE_Paste() let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.paste() endif endfunction function! VE_FileSearch() let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.search() endif endfunction "visual mode functions. "visual select function! VE_VisualSelect() range let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.visualSelect(a:firstline-1,a:lastline-1) endif endfunction "visual delete function! VE_VisualDelete(bForce) range let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.visualDelete(a:firstline-1,a:lastline-1,a:bForce) endif endfunction "visual yank function! VE_VisualYank(mode) range let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.visualYank(a:firstline-1,a:lastline-1,a:mode) endif endfunction function! VE_ShowYankList() if s:VEContainer.clipboard == [] return endif for i in s:VEContainer.clipboard echo i endfor endfunction "Common command handlers "-------------------------- "get file name for status line. function! VE_GetStatusFileName() let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) return s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.statusFileName() else return '' endif endfunction "mark palce function! VE_MarkPlace(char) let s:VEContainer.markPlaces[a:char] = g:VEPlatform.getcwd() endfunction "goto marked place function! VE_MarkSwitchTo(char) call VE_GotoPath(s:VEContainer.markPlaces[a:char]) endfunction function! VE_MarkList() let list = [] let letter = char2nr('a') while letter <= char2nr('z') if s:VEContainer.markPlaces[nr2char(letter)] != '' echo nr2char(letter) . " " . s:VEContainer.markPlaces[nr2char(letter)] endif let letter = letter + 1 endwhile endfunction "Toggle tree panel. function! VE_ToggleTreePanel() let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) if s:VEContainer[winName].treePanel.setFocus() call s:VEContainer[winName].treePanel.hide() else call s:VEContainer[winName].treePanel.show() endif endif exec "wincmd p" endfunction "Toggle file panel. function! VE_ToggleFilePanel() let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) if s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.setFocus() call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.hide() else call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.show() endif endif call s:VEContainer[winName].treePanel.setFocus() exec g:VEConf.treePanelWidth . " wincmd |" endfunction function! VE_ClosePreviewPanel() pclose endfunction "Go to upper directory. function! VE_ToUpperDir() let winNr = bufwinnr('%') let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) let path = s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.path " Assert filePanel.path == treePanel.path let upperPath = g:VEPlatform.getUpperDir(path) if upperPath == path return endif call VE_GotoPath(upperPath) let dir = split(path,'/') call search(" " . dir[-1] . "/\t") endif exec winNr . "wincmd w" endfunction "Path change event function! VE_GotoPath(path) if !isdirectory(a:path) return endif call g:VEPlatform.cdToPath(a:path) let path = g:VEPlatform.getcwd() let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].gotoPath(path) endif endfunction "Used in function! VE_OpenPath() echohl Special let workPath = input("Change path to (directory): ",'',"file") echohl None if workPath == '' return endif call g:VEPlatform.cdToPath(workPath) let workPath = g:VEPlatform.getcwd() call VE_GotoPath(workPath) endfunction "Goto forward function! VE_GotoForward() let winNr = bufwinnr('%') let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].gotoForward() endif exec winNr . "wincmd w" endfunction "Goto backward function! VE_GotoBackward() let winNr = bufwinnr('%') let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) call s:VEContainer[winName].gotoBackward() endif exec winNr . "wincmd w" endfunction "Favorite function! VE_GotoFavorite() let fav_filename = g:VEPlatform.getHome() . g:VEConf.favorite if findfile(fav_filename)=='' || !filereadable(fav_filename) return endif let fav = readfile(fav_filename) let result = g:VEPlatform.select(fav,"Favorite folder list:") if result == -1 return endif call VE_GotoPath(fav[result]) endfunction function! VE_AddToFavorite(where) let winNr = bufwinnr('%') let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) let cwd = s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.path else return endif let pathUnderCursor = VE_getPathUnderCursor(a:where) if pathUnderCursor != '' " if no path name under cursor, use current working path let cwd = pathUnderCursor endif let fav_filename = g:VEPlatform.getHome() . g:VEConf.favorite let fav = [] if findfile(fav_filename) != '' if !filereadable(fav_filename) echoerr "Can not read favorite folder list!" return endif if !filewritable(fav_filename) echoerr "Can not write favorite folder list to file!" return endif let fav = readfile(fav_filename) endif if index(fav,cwd) != -1 "echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "Current directory already in the favorite list." | echohl None echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "[ ".cwd." ] already in the favorite!" | echohl None return endif call add(fav,cwd) if writefile(fav,fav_filename) == 0 echohl Special | echomsg "[ ".cwd." ] added to favorite." | echohl None else echoerr "Can not write favorite folder list to file!" endif endfunction "forward and backward history function! VE_BrowseHistory() let winNr = bufwinnr('%') let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) let pathlist = s:VEContainer[winName].pathHistory let result = g:VEPlatform.select(pathlist,"Browse history:") if result == -1 return else call s:VEContainer[winName].treePanel.pathChanged(pathlist[result]) call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.pathChanged(pathlist[result]) let s:VEContainer[winName].pathPosition = result endif endif endfunction "sync directory function! VE_SyncDir() let winNr = bufwinnr('%') let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) let path = s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.path call g:VEPlatform.cdToPath(path) endif endfunction "diff 2 files function! VE_Diff() let winNr = bufwinnr('%') let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) let diffFiles = s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.selectedFiles if len(diffFiles) != 2 || isdirectory(diffFiles[0]) || isdirectory(diffFiles[1]) echohl WarningMsg | echo "Please select 2 files to diff!" | echohl None return endif exec "tabe " . g:VEPlatform.escape(diffFiles[0]) exec "vertical diffsplit " . g:VEPlatform.escape(diffFiles[1]) endif endfunction "toggle show hidden files function! VE_ToggleHidden() let winNr = bufwinnr('%') let winName = matchstr(bufname("%"),'_[^_]*$') if has_key(s:VEContainer,winName) let g:VEConf.showHiddenFiles = !g:VEConf.showHiddenFiles call s:VEContainer[winName].treePanel.refresh() call s:VEContainer[winName].filePanel.refresh() endif endfunction command! -nargs=? -complete=file VE call VENew('') command! -nargs=0 -complete=file VEC call VEDestroy() "==================================================================== " " Function: s:InstallDocumentation(full_name, revision) " Install help documentation. " Arguments: " full_name: Full name of this vim plugin script, including path name. " revision: Revision of the vim script. #version# mark in the document file " will be replaced with this string with 'v' prefix. " Return: " 1 if new document installed, 0 otherwise. " Note: Cleaned and generalized by guo-peng Wen. " " Note about authorship: this function was taken from the vimspell plugin " which can be found at http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=465 " function! s:InstallDocumentation(full_name, revision) " Name of the document path based on the system we use: if has("vms") " No chance that this script will work with " VMS - to much pathname juggling here. return 1 elseif (has("unix")) " On UNIX like system, using forward slash: let l:slash_char = '/' let l:mkdir_cmd = ':silent !mkdir -p ' else " On M$ system, use backslash. Also mkdir syntax is different. " This should only work on W2K and up. let l:slash_char = '\' let l:mkdir_cmd = ':silent !mkdir ' endif let l:doc_path = l:slash_char . 'doc' let l:doc_home = l:slash_char . '.vim' . l:slash_char . 'doc' " Figure out document path based on full name of this script: let l:vim_plugin_path = fnamemodify(a:full_name, ':h') let l:vim_doc_path = fnamemodify(a:full_name, ':h:h') . l:doc_path if (!(filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) == 2)) "Doc path: " . l:vim_doc_path echo "Doc path: " . l:vim_doc_path execute l:mkdir_cmd . '"' . l:vim_doc_path . '"' if (!(filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) == 2)) " Try a default configuration in user home: let l:vim_doc_path = expand("~") . l:doc_home if (!(filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) == 2)) execute l:mkdir_cmd . '"' . l:vim_doc_path . '"' if (!(filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) == 2)) " Put a warning: echo "Unable to open documentation directory" echo "type :help add-local-help for more information." echo l:vim_doc_path return 0 endif endif endif endif " Exit if we have problem to access the document directory: if (!isdirectory(l:vim_plugin_path) || !isdirectory(l:vim_doc_path) || filewritable(l:vim_doc_path) != 2) return 0 endif " Full name of script and documentation file: let l:script_name = fnamemodify(a:full_name, ':t') let l:doc_name = fnamemodify(a:full_name, ':t:r') . '.txt' let l:plugin_file = l:vim_plugin_path . l:slash_char . l:script_name let l:doc_file = l:vim_doc_path . l:slash_char . l:doc_name " Bail out if document file is still up to date: if (filereadable(l:doc_file) && getftime(l:plugin_file) < getftime(l:doc_file)) return 0 endif " Prepare window position restoring command: if (strlen(@%)) let l:go_back = 'b ' . bufnr("%") else let l:go_back = 'enew!' endif " Create a new buffer & read in the plugin file (me): setl nomodeline exe 'enew!' exe 'r ' . l:plugin_file setl modeline let l:buf = bufnr("%") setl noswapfile modifiable norm zR norm gg " Delete from first line to a line starts with " === START_DOC 1,/^=\{3,}\s\+START_DOC\C/ d " Delete from a line starts with " === END_DOC " to the end of the documents: /^=\{3,}\s\+END_DOC\C/,$ d " Add modeline for help doc: the modeline string is mangled intentionally " to avoid it be recognized by VIM: call append(line('$'), '') call append(line('$'), ' v' . 'im:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:') " Replace revision: "exe "normal :1s/#version#/ v" . a:revision . "/\" exe "normal :%s/#version#/ v" . a:revision . "/\" " Save the help document: exe 'w! ' . l:doc_file exe l:go_back exe 'bw ' . l:buf " Build help tags: exe 'helptags ' . l:vim_doc_path return 1 endfunction " Doc installation call {{{1 silent call s:InstallDocumentation(expand(':p'),"0.99") "============================================================ finish "Manual {{{1 === START_DOC *VimExplorer* A powerful file manager #version# VimExplorer Reference Manual by Ming Bai (mbbill AT gmail.com) ============================================================================== CONTENTS *VimExplorer-contents* 1. Intro.......................................|VimExplorer-start| 2. Functionality...............................|VimExplorer-functionality| 2.1 Tree Panel Hotkeys.....................|VimExplorer-treehotkey| 2.2 File Panel Hotkeys.....................|VimExplorer-filehotkey| 2.3 Commands...............................|VimExplorer-commands| 3. Directory Browsing..........................|VimExplorer-browse| 3.1 Tree Browsing..........................|VimExplorer-treebrowse| 3.2 File Browsing..........................|VimExplorer-filebrowse| 3.3 Forward and Backward...................|VimExplorer-forbackward| 3.4 Favorites..............................|VimExplorer-favorite| 3.5 Temp Marks.............................|VimExplorer-tempmark| 4. Marks.......................................|VimExplorer-mark| 4.1 Single File Marks......................|VimExplorer-marksingle| 4.2 Visual Marks...........................|VimExplorer-markvisual| 4.3 Regexp Marks...........................|VimExplorer-markregexp| 5. File operations.............................|VimExplorer-fileoperation| 5.1 Create.................................|VimExplorer-new| 5.2 Move...................................|VimExplorer-move| 5.3 Delete.................................|VimExplorer-delete| 5.4 Diff...................................|VimExplorer-diff| 5.5 Search.................................|VimExplorer-search| 5.6 Other Operations.......................|VimExplorer-otherfileopt| 6. Other Functionalities.......................|VimExplorer-otherfuncs| 7. Customization...............................|VimExplorer-customize| 7.1 Normal Options.........................|VimExplorer-custnormal| 7.2 Hotkey Customization...................|VimExplorer-custhotkey| 7.3 Command Customization..................|VimExplorer-custcommand| 8. The Author..................................|VimExplorer-author| 9. Problems and Fixes..........................|VimExplorer-problems| 10. Changelog...................................|VimExplorer-changelog| 11. TODO........................................|VimExplorer-todo| ============================================================================== 1. Intro *VimExplorer-start* What is VimExplorer ? VimExplorer is a file manager, it can do a lot of file operations such as copy, delete, move, preview, search and so on. Also it has a variety of other capacities and customization abilities. You can start VimExplorer by the following command: > :VE < Then it will ask you for the starting directory, default is the current path. > VimExplorer (directory): /home/username/ < You can change it to some other directories or just push "Enter" to start it. The second approach to start VimExplorer: > :VE [directory] < Example: > :VE /usr/src/ < Now, VimExplorer will start using the path '/usr/src/'. When you are typing the path, and will help you to complete the path automatically. After all of these operations, you can see a new tab which has two panels within it, one is the "Tree Panel" and the other is "File Panel". From now you will have a happy journey using the powerful file manager. ============================================================================== 2. Functionality *VimExplorer-functionality* 2.1 Tree Panel Hotkeys *VimExplorer-treehotkey* Member of |VEConf_treeHotkey|, refer to section 7.2 . Mapping Key Description~ help ? Help. toggleNode Open/Close/Switch to current node. toggleNodeMouse <2-LeftMouse> Open/Close/Switch to current node. refresh r Refresh the tree panel. favorite f View favorite folder list. addToFavorite F Add the folder under cursor to favorite list. If no path under cursor, use current working path. browseHistory b View browse history. toggleFilePanel t Toggle the file panel. toUpperDir Go to upper directory. switchPanel Switch to File Panel. gotoPath Change to another path. quitVE Q Quit VimExplorer. 2.2 File Panel Hotkeys *VimExplorer-filehotkey* Member of |VEConf_fileHotkey|, refer to section 7.2 . Mapping Default Description~ help ? Help. itemClicked Enter the directory or open the file by default association. itemClickMouse <2-LeftMouse> Enter the directory or open the file by default association. refresh r Refresh. toggleTreePanel t Toggle the Tree Panel. toggleModes i Toggle file sort mode (type/data/file extension). newFile +f Create a new file. newDirectory +d Create a new directory. switchPanel Switch to the Tree Panel. quitVE Q Quit VimExplorer. toggleHidden H Toggle show hidden files.(files start with '.') search g/ Search. markPlace m{a-z} Put current path to register(a-z). gotoPlace '{a-z} Jump to path in register(a-z). viewMarks J View path in register. contextMenuN File panel context menu in normal mode. toUpperDir Go to upper directory. gotoForward Forward. gotoBackward Backward. favorite f View favorite folder list. addToFavorite F Add the folder under cursor to favorite list. If no path under cursor, use current working path. browseHistory b View browse history. gotoPath Change to another path. rename R Rename the file under cursor. yankSingle yy Copy file under cursor. cutSingle xx Cut file under cursor. showYankList yl Show clipboard. deleteSingle dd Delete file under cursor to recycle bin. deleteSingle DD Force delete file under cursor. openPreview u Preview. closePreview U Close the preview panel. toggleSelectUp Move the cursor up and mark/unmark the file under cursor. toggleSelectDown Mark/unmark the file under cursor and move the cursor down. toggleSelMouse Mark/unmark the file under cursor. markViaRegexp Mr Mark via regular expression. markVimFiles Mv Mark all vim files. markDirectory Md Mark all directories. markExecutable Me Mark all executable files. clearSelect Mc Clear all marks. deleteSelected sd Delete marked files to recycle bin. deleteSelected sD Force delete marked files. yankSelected sy Copy marked files. cutSelected sx Cut marked files. tabViewMulti se Edit every marked file in separate tabs. paste p Paste. diff2files = Diff two files. tabView e Edit file in new tab. openRenamer ;r Open Renamer (Note 1) startShell ;c Start a shell from current path. startExplorer ;e Start another file manager(nautilus,konquer,explorer.exe). Visual Mode Hotkeys~ visualSelect Mark files. visualDelete d Delete files to recycle bin. visualDelete D Force delete files. visualYank y Copy files. visualCut x Cut files. tabView e View files in new tabs. 2.3 Commands *VimExplorer-commands* > VE < Start VimExplorer. > VEC < Close VimExplorer, Hotkey |Q| has the same ability. ============================================================================== 3. Directory Browsing *VimExplorer-browse* 3.1 Tree Browsing *VimExplorer-treebrowse* Press "Enter" on one tree node will change the path and add the new path to browse history. By default, if a directory has it's own child directories, |+| will be displayed before it's name, and It will cause a little performance lost. If you don't need this feature ,set the following variable to zero can disable it. > let VEConf_showFolderStatus = 0 < There are some differences between win32 and other platforms. In win32, there are several root nodes (such as C:\,D:\), but one root node (/) in other platforms. 3.2 File Browsing *VimExplorer-filebrowse* The file panel consist of two parts: the path in the top and the following file list. Every line of the file list consist from the following regions: [*] {file-name} [file-size] {permission} {modify-time} The file panel can sort by type, file name and date. Hotkey |i| is used to cycle between these modes. Default sort mode controlled by following variable: > VEConf_filePanelSortType < See Customization section for more details. 3.3 Forward and Backward *VimExplorer-forbackward* When using "Enter" switch to an new folder, the path will be add to browse history. Then you can use || and || to go backward and forward. Hotkey |b| is used to list all browse history, select by number or mouse can take you directory to that path. By default, the depth of browse history is 100. Controled by this variable: > VEConf_browseHistory < VimExplorer can remember the cursor position every time leaving a directory, so it can restore the cursor when return to it. If a directory is newly entered, the cursor will be put in the middle of the screen. 3.4 Favorites *VimExplorer-favorite* The favorite folder list is saved to the file $HOME/.ve_favorite . It will be updated when new folder is added to favorite by hotkey |F|. The format of ".ve_favorite" is very simple: every line is a path, so edit it is quite easy. 3.5 Temp Marks *VimExplorer-tempmark* Just like the favorites, |ma| put current path into register 'a', and |'a| can jump to the path. |J| is used to list every non empty register. All paths in register will disappear after VimExplorer exists. ============================================================================== 4. Marks *VimExplorer-mark* The simplest way is to press upon a file. There will be a '*' before marked files and also be displayed in a different color. There are three way to mark files: 4.1 Single File Marks *VimExplorer-marksingle* Invert selection, move the cursor down. Move the cursor up, then invert selection. Just like most of vim commands, 5 will mark 5 files start from current cursor. 4.2 Visual Marks *VimExplorer-markvisual* in visual mode will invert selected these files. 4.3 Regexp Marks *VimExplorer-markregexp* Hotkey: |Mr| Only the file name is the target of regexp match. Example: > Mark file (regexp): ^abc.*\.vim$ < It will mark all vim scripts start with abc. The following functionalities is derived from this feature: |Mv| mark all vim scripts. |Me| mark all executable files. |Md| mark all directories. and |Mc| to clear all marks. ============================================================================== 5. File Operations *VimExplorer-fileoperation* 5.1 Create *VimExplorer-new* |+f| and |+d| is used to create new files and directories. 5.2 Move *VimExplorer-move* There are several hotkey used to copy/cut files: |yy| and |sy| in normal mode ,|y| in visual mode is to copy file. |xx| and |sx| in normal mode ,|x| in visual mode is to cut file. |p| paste file. Note that the clipboard is shared between all VimExplorers ,you can cut in one VE tab and paste in another. If you want to view the clipboard, |yl| can be help. 5.3 Delete *VimExplorer-delete* |dd|,|sd| in normal mode and |d| in visual mode can delete file(s) to recycle bin. Corresponding |DD|,|sD| and |D| are used to force delete file(s). 5.4 Diff *VimExplorer-diff* |=| is used to diff 2 files, so make sure you have selected 2 files before using this command. 5.5 Search *VimExplorer-search* Just like / ,but the pattern here is not the regexp in vim, it will be expended by shell. 5.6 Other Operations *VimExplorer-otherfileopt* |e| |R| |u| and so on ... Refer to section 2.2 ============================================================================== 6. Other Functionalities *VimExplorer-otherfuncs* |;r| |;c| |;e| and so on ...Rever to section 2.2 ============================================================================== 7. Customization *VimExplorer-customize* 7.1 Normal Options *VimExplorer-custnormal* Common Options~ |g:VEConf_systemEncoding| It controls the encoding of vim calling function system(). If your system encoding is different from '&encoding', set this value to system encoding. Example: let g:VEConf_systemEncoding = 'utf-8' ,Default: '' (empty) |g:VEConf_win32Disks| The default value is all 26 volumes. Set this value to fit your system can increase the startup speed. If you are not using Microsoft Windows, ignore it. Example: let VEConf_win32Disks = ["A:","B:","C:","D:"] |g:VEConf_browseHistory| Depth of browse history. Default: 100 |g:VEConf_previewSplitLocation| Split location of preview panel. Optional parameters are: "belowright","topleft","leftabove","botright". Default: "belowright" |g:VEConf_showHiddenFiles| Show hidden files, 1: show,0: hide. Default: 1 |g:VEConf_externalExplorer| Name of the external file explorer. You can set this value according to you system. Default: "explorer.exe"(win32) "nautilus" (gnome) |g:VEConf_sortCaseSensitive| 0: not case sensitive 1: case sensitive Default: 1 |g:VEConf_favorite| Favorite folder file name. Always stored in $HOME. Default: ".ve_favorite" |g:VEConf_overWriteExisting| Ask when over write existing files. 0: ask 1: always over write 2: always not over write Default: 0 |g:VEConf_usingKDE| If set to 1, use "kfmclient" |g:VEConf_usingGnome| If set to 1, use "gnome-open" |g:VEConf_recyclePath| Recycle path. Example: let g:VEConf_recyclePath = 'C:\VErecycle\' Tree Panel Options~ |g:VEConf_showFolderStatus| It controls whether show '+' before the folders which have their own child folders. If it is set to 1, every folder will have a '+'. Default: 1 |g:VEConf_treePanelWidth| Width of tree panel. Default: 30 |g:VEConf_treePanelSplitMode| Split mode of tree panel. Default: "vertical" |g:VEConf_treePanelSplitLocation| Split location of tree panel, Optional parameters: "belowright" , "topleft" , "leftabove" , "botright", Default: "leftabove" |g:VEConf_treeSortDirection| Sort direction. 1: A-Z 0: Z-A. Default: 1 File Panel Options~ |g:VEConf_fileGroupSortDirection| Sort direction. 1: A-Z 0: Z-A, Default: 1 |g:VEConf_fileDeleteConfirm| Confirm when deleting a file. 1: confirm 2: no confirm. Default: 1 |g:VEConf_filePanelWidth| Width of file panel. Default: 40 |g:VEConf_filePanelSplitMode| Split mode of file panel. Default: "vertical" |g:VEConf_filePanelSplitLocation| Split location of file panel, Optional parameters: "belowright" , "topleft" , "leftabove" , "botright" ,Default: "leftabove" |g:VEConf_filePanelSortType| File sort type. 1: sort by name 2: sort by time 3: sort by type, Default: 3 |g:VEConf_showFileSizeInMKB| 1: Show file size in MKB format. 0: always show file size in byte. |g:VEConf_filePanelFilter| Filter of the file panel, which will be passed to glob() function. Example: let g:VEConf_filePanelFilter = '*.txt' 7.2 Hotkey Customization *VimExplorer-custhotkey* All user defined hotkeys are controlled by the two dicts: |g:VEConf_treeHotkey| and |g:VEConf_fileHotkey| Example: > let g:VEConf_treeHotkey = {} let g:VEConf_treeHotkey.help = '??' let g:VEConf_treeHotkey.quitVE = 'qq' let g:VEConf_treeHotkey.switchPanel = '' < All definable hotkeys and their default bindings refer to section 2 . 7.3. Command Customization *VimExplorer-custcommand* VimExplorer supports three types of command interface: single file hotkeys and actions, multi file hotkeys and actions and normal hotkeys and actions. They are controlled by these variables: |g:VEConf_singleFileActions| |g:VEConf_singleFileHotKeys| |g:VEConf_multiFileActions| |g:VEConf_multiFileHotKeys| |g:VEConf_normalActions| |g:VEConf_normalHotKeys| All of them are dicts. Example: > let g:VEConf_normalActions = {} let g:VEConf_normalHotKeys = {} let g:VEConf_normalHotKeys['test1'] = 'T1' function! VEConf_normalActions['test1']() Renamer endfunction < "test1" is the key. VimExplorer will bind the hotkey and corresponding actions automatically. > let g:VEConf_singleFileActions = {} let g:VEConf_singleFileHotKeys = {} let g:VEConf_singleFileHotKeys['test2'] = 'T2' function! VEConf_singleFileActions['test2'](path) call g:VEPlatform.system("notepad.exe " . g:VEPlatform.escape(a:path)) endfunction < Here, parameter "path" is the path of file under cursor. > let g:VEConf_multiFileActions = {} let g:VEConf_multiFileHotKeys = {} let g:VEConf_multiFileHotKeys['test3'] = 'T3' function! VEConf_multiFileActions['test3'](fileList) for i in a:fileList call g:VEPlatform.start("nautilus " . i) endfor endfunction < Parameter "fileList" consists of all paths of marked files. In addition, VimExplorer provides some platform independent functions: > g:VEPlatform.start(path) g:VEPlatform.system(cmd) g:VEPlatform.copyfile(filename,topath) g:VEPlatform.search(filename,path) g:VEPlatform.deleteSingle(path) < These functions can be used in user defined actions. ============================================================================== 8. The Author *VimExplorer-author* If you have find a bug, or have some suggestions , mail me. mail: mbbillgmailcom ============================================================================== 9. Problems and Fixes *VimExplorer-problems* *VimExplorer-p1* P1. Case sensitive in Win32. At present, the path in win32 is case sensitive. Pay attention to this when starting VE, editing the favorite list or using to change path. A good suggestion is using or to complete path automatically. *VimExplorer-p2* P2. 'wildignre' option cause some files disappeared. If 'wildignore' is not empty, glob() function will not return files matching the file pattern listed in it, then you may find some files disappeared in the file panel. ============================================================================== 10. Changelog *VimExplorer-changelog* 0.95 - Initial release. 0.96 - BUG: VE_normalAction not found. 0.97 - NEW: Add options |g:VEConf_usingKDE| and |g:VEConf_usingGnome| for starting program in *nix environment. - NEW: Check if the script is already loaded, thanks to Dennis Hostetler. - BUG: Escape ' %#' for path. - BUG: Favorite selection out of range. - CHG: Change the behaviour of hotkey 'F', now it adds the path under cursor to favorite list. If no path under cursor, use current working path instead.(Thanks to Vincent Wang) - CHG: Change default g:VEConf_systemEncoding to '' (empty). 0.98 - NEW: Add option VEConf_filePanelFilter. - BUG: Escape in command 'e' 'se' 'u' and '='. - BUG: 'Cut' and 'Paste' command causes file lost. - CHG: Change the default hotkey 'M' and 'B' to 'm','J'. - CHG: Change forward and backward hotkey to || and ||(). - CHG: Change hotkey || to ||. - CHG: Change hotkey |mr| |mv| |md| |me| |mc| to |Mr| |Mv| |Md| |Me| |Mc|. - CHG: When GUI is running, use confirm() to pop a dialog instead of input(). 0.99 - NEW: Add toggle selection hotkey . - NEW: Add a context menu in file panel, right click on a file to popup it. - NEW: Add "delete to recycle",hotkey |dd|,|sd| and |d| in visual mode are used to delete file(s) to recycle bin.The curresponding |DD|,|sD|,|D| hotkey are used to force delete files. - NEW: Now VE can remember the cursor position when reenter a directory. - BUG: All files are put to "Hidden Files" group in a hidden directory. - BUG: 'sd' twice after selection will cause an error. ============================================================================== 11. TODO *VimExplorer-todo* - More clipboard. - Diff files in different directories. - Two panel mode, just like TotalCommand. - Diff directories. - Browse via e.g. FTP, SCP ... directorys on a server. - Rename file when file exsits in copy operation. - Compress file. - Send to. ============================================================================== Note 1: Renamer is a good plugin, which is used to rename group of files. The author is John Orr. It can be found here: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1721 === END_DOC " vim: set et fdm=marker sts=4 sw=4 tw=78: