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2013-03-15 23:05:30 +04:00
# NAME ........: DIR_COLORS
# AUTHOR ......: José Lopes de Oliveira Júnior
# DESCRIPTION .: Color schema for the ls utility.
# OBSERVATION .: This file goes in the /etc directory, and must be world
# readable (give it 644 permition). You can copy this file to .dir_colors in
# your $HOME directory to override the system defaults.
# TERM terminal-type
# Starts a terminal-specific section and specifies which terminal it applies to.
# Multiple TERM statements can be used to create a section which applies for
# several terminal types.
TERM linux
TERM linux-c
TERM console
TERM con132x25
TERM con132x30
TERM con132x43
TERM con132x60
TERM con80x25
TERM con80x28
TERM con80x30
TERM con80x43
TERM con80x50
TERM con80x60
TERM Eterm
TERM gnome
TERM rxvt
TERM screen
TERM screen-w
TERM xterm
TERM vt100
TERM vt102
# Most color-capable ASCII terminals today use ISO 6429 (ANSI) color sequences,
# and many common terminals without color capability, including xterm and the
# widely used and cloned DEC VT100, will recognize ISO 6429 color codes and
# harmlessly eliminate them from the output or emulate them. ls uses ISO 6429
# codes by default, assuming colorization is enabled.
# ISO 6429 color sequences are composed of sequences of numbers separated by
# semicolons. The most common codes are (not all commands will work on all
# systems or display devices):
# 00 restore default color
# 01 brighter colors
# 04 underlined text
# 05 flashing text
# 30 black foreground
# 31 red foreground
# 32 green foreground
# 33 yellow (or brown) foreground
# 34 blue foreground
# 35 purple foreground
# 36 cyan foreground
# 37 white (or gray) foreground
# 40 black background
# 41 red background
# 42 green background
# 43 yellow (or brown) background
# 44 blue background
# 45 purple background
# 46 cyan background
# 47 white (or gray) background
# NORMAL color-sequence
# Specifies the color used for normal (non-filename) text.
# ls default: NORMAL 0
# FILE color-sequence
# Specifies the color used for a regular file.
# ls default: FILE 0
# DIR color-sequence
# Specifies the color used for directories.
# ls default: DIR 32
DIR 34;01
# LINK color-sequence
# Specifies the color used for a symbolic link.
# ls default: LINK 36
LINK 36;01
# ORPHAN color-sequence
# Specifies the color used for an orphaned symbolic link (one which points to a
# nonexistent file). If this is unspecified, ls will use the LINK color
# instead.
# ls default: ORPHAN undefined
ORPHAN 31;05
# MISSING color-sequence
# Specifies the color used for a missing file (a nonexistent file which
# nevertheless has a symbolic link pointing to it). If this is unspecified,
# ls will use the FILE color instead.
# ls default: MISSING undefined
# FIFO color-sequence
# Specifies the color used for a FIFO (named pipe).
# ls default: FIFO 31
# SOCK color-sequence
# Specifies the color used for a socket.
# ls default: SOCK 33
# BLK color-sequence
# Specifies the color used for a block device special file.
# ls default: BLK 44;37
BLK 33
# CHR color-sequence
# Specifies the color used for a character device special file.
# ls default: CHR 44;37
CHR 33
# EXEC color-sequence
# Specifies the color used for a file with the executable attribute set.
# ls default: EXEC 35
EXEC 32;01
# .extension color-sequence
# Specifies the color used for any file that ends in .extension.
# Note that the period is included in the extension, which makes it impossible
# to specify an extension not starting with a period, such as ~ for emacs
# backup files. This form should be considered obsolete.
# For more informations about file extensions, visit <http://filext.com/>.
# Compiled, library, font and database files.
# Text files, spreadsheets, source-codes, scripts, confs and etc.
# Compressed files and instalation packages.
# Image, music and video files.
# Backup from other files, temporary files and log files.
# NUMBERS ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.386 32
.586 37;01
.686 37;01
.8 37;01
# SYMBOLS ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.### 33;01
.$$$ 33;01
.&&& 33;01
*~ 33;01
.~$~ 33;01
.~~~ 33;01
# A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.a 37;01
.A 37;01
.abs 35;01
.ABS 35;01
.ari 31;01
.ARI 31;01
.arj 31;01
.ARJ 31;01
.arq 31;01
.ARQ 31;01
.asp 37;01
.ASP 37;01
.avi 31;01
.AVI 31;01
.awk 37;01
.AWK 37;01
# B ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.b 37;01
.B 37;01
.bak 33;01
.BAK 33;01
.bas 37;01
.BAS 37;01
.bat 37;01
.BAT 37;01
.bck 33;01
.BCK 33;01
.bi 32
.BI 32
.bin 32
.BIN 32
.bit 35;01
.BIT 35;01
.bk 33;01
.BK 33;01
.bk! 33;01
.BK! 33;01
.bk$ 33;01
.BK$ 33;01
.bkp 33;01
.BKP 33;01
.bmp 35;01
.BMP 35;01
.boo 31;01
.BOO 31;01
.bz 31;01
.BZ 31;01
.bz2 31;01
.BZ2 31;01
# C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.c 37;01
.C 37;01
.c#= 37;01
.C#= 37;01
.c++ 37;01
.C++ 37;01
.c-- 37;01
.C-- 37;01
.cab 31;01
.CAB 31;01
.cc 37;01
.CC 37;01
.cdr 35;01
.CDR 35;01
.cfg 37;01
.CFG 37;01
.cgi 37;01
.CGI 37;01
.chh 37;01
.CHH 37;01
.class 32
.cmd 37;01
.CMD 37;01
.com 32
.COM 32
.conf 37;01
.CONF 37;01
.cpp 37;01
.CPP 37;01
.cpy 37;01
.CPY 37;01
.crt 37;01
.CRT 37;01
.csh 37;01
.CSH 37;01
.css 37;01
.CSS 37;01
.cvs 35;01
.CVS 35;01
# D ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.d 37;01
.D 37;01
.dac 35;01
.DAC 35;01
.dat 32
.DAT 32
.db 32
.DB 32
.dbf 32
.DBF 32
.dbg 32
.DBG 32
.dcd 32
.DCD 32
.ddt 37;01
.DDT 37;01
.deb 31;01
.DEB 31;01
.debian 37;01
.DEBIAN 37;01
.dll 32
.DLL 32
.dmp 32
.DMP 32
.doc 37;01
.DOC 37;01
.dov 33;01
.DOV 33;01
.dox 37;01
.DOX 37;01
.dt 37;01
.DT 37;01
.dvi 37;01
.DVI 37;01
.dwc 31;01
.DWC 31;01
.dxb 32
.DXB 32
# E ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.elf 32
.ELF 32
.emu 32
.EMU 32
.etf 37;01
.ETF 37;01
.exe 32
.EXE 32
# F ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.f 37;01
.F 37;01
.f77 37;01
.F77 37;01
.f90 37;01
.F90 37;01
.fb 33;01
.FB 33;01
.fdb 32
.FDB 32
.fig 35;01
.FIG 35;01
.flc 35;01
.FLC 35;01
.fli 35;01
.FLI 35;01
.flv 35;01
.FLV 35;01
.fmx 32
.FMX 32
.fphtml 37;01
.FPHTML 37;01
.ftn 37;01
.FTN 37;01
# G ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.g4 32
.G4 32
.gb 32
.GB 32
.gba 32
.GBA 32
.gbk 33;01
.GBK 33;01
.gbr 35;01
.GBR 35;01
.gbt 35;01
.GBT 35;01
.gcc 37;01
.GCC 37;01
.gdb 32
.GDB 32
.gds 35;01
.GDS 35;01
.grr 35;01
.GRR 35;01
.gif 35;01
.GIF 35;01
.giff 35;01
.GIFF 35;01
.gih 35;01
.GIH 35;01
.gz 31;01
.GZ 31;01
.gzip 31;01
.GZIP 31;01
# H ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.h 37;01
.H 37;01
.h++ 37;01
.H++ 37;01
.h-- 37;01
.H-- 37;01
.hdm 37;01
.HDM 37;01
.hdml 37;01
.HDML 37;01
.hh 37;01
.HH 37;01
.hpp 37;01
.HPP 37;01
.hs 37;01
.HS 37;01
.hst 37;01
.HST 37;01
.ht3 37;01
.HT3 37;01
.htm 37;01
.HTM 37;01
.html 37;01
.HTML 37;01
.hxx 37;01
.HXX 37;01
# I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.ico 35;01
.ICO 35;01
.idb 32
.IDB 32
.ida 37;01
.IDA 37;01
.ief 35;01
.IEF 35;01
.ii 32
.II 32
.ijx 37;01
.IJX 37;01
.il 37;01
.IL 37;01
.ima 35;01
.IMA 35;01
.imf 35;01
.IMF 35;01
.inf 37;01
.INF 37;01
.inp 37;01
.INP 37;01
.ish 31;01
.ISH 31;01
.iso 31;01
.ISO 31;01
# J ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.j2k 35;01
.J2K 35;01
.jar 31;01
.JAR 31;01
.jav 37;01
.JAV 37;01
.java 37;01
.JAVA 37;01
.jfi 35;01
.JFI 35;01
.jfif 35;01
.JFIF 35;01
.jif 35;01
.JIF 35;01
.jj 37;01
.JJ 37;01
.jng 35;01
.JNG 35;01
.jp2 35;01
.JP2 35;01
.jpe 35;01
.JPE 35;01
.jpeg 35;01
.JPEG 35;01
.jpg 35;01
.JPG 35;01
.jpg_t 35;01
.JPG_T 35;01
.jpx 35;01
.JPX 35;01
.jsp 37;01
.JSP 37;01
.jsp10 37;01
.JSP10 37;01
.jspf 37;01
.JSPF 37;01
.jss 37;01
.JSS 37;01
.jtf 35;01
.JTF 35;01
.jtif 35;01
.JTIF 35;01
.jxx 37;01
.JXX 37;01
# K ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.ko 32
.KO 32
.kpl 37;01
.KPL 37;01
.ksh 37;01
.KSH 37;01
.kshrc 37;01
.KSHRC 37;01
# L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.l 37;01
.L 37;01
.la 32
.LA 32
.lat 37;01
.LAT 37;01
.latex 37;01
.LATEX 37;01
.lha 31;01
.LHA 31;01
.lhz 31;01
.LHZ 31;01
.lif 31;01
.LIF 31;01
.log 33;01
.LOG 33;01
.logo 37;01
.LOGO 37;01
.ltx 37;01
.LTX 37;01
.lyr 37;01
.LYR 37;01
.lyx 37;01
.LYX 37;01
.lzh 31;01
.LZH 31;01
.lzx 31;01
.LZX 31;01
# M ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.m 37;01
.M 37;01
.m1a 35;01
.M1A 35;01
.m1s 35;01
.M1S 35;01
.m1v 35;01
.M1V 35;01
.m2 37;01
.M2 37;01
.m2a 35;01
.M2A 35;01
.m2s 35;01
.M2S 35;01
.m2v 35;01
.M2V 35;01
.m3 37;01
.M3 37;01
.m32 35;01
.M32 35;01
.m3a 35;01
.M3A 35;01
.m3u 37;01
.M3U 37;01
.m3url 37;01
.M3URL 37;01
.m4 37;01
.M4 37;01
.m4a 35;01
.M4A 35;01
.m4v 35;01
.M4V 35;01
.m75 35;01
.M75 35;01
.mak 37;01
.MAK 37;01
.make 37;01
.MAKE 37;01
.makefile 37;01
.man 37;01
.MAN 37;01
.manx 37;01
.MANX 37;01
.max 37;01
.MAX 37;01
.mbi 37;01
.MBI 37;01
.md5 37;01
.MD5 37;01
.mdb 32
.MDB 32
.mdi 35;01
.MDI 35;01
.mff 35;01
.MFF 35;01
.mgf 35;01
.MGF 35;01
.mid 35;01
.MID 35;01
.midi 35;01
.MIDI 35;01
.mjpg 35;01
.MJPG 35;01
.mk 37;01
.MK 37;01
.mke 37;01
.MKE 37;01
.mkg 37;01
.MKG 37;01
.mki 35;01
.MKI 35;01
.moov 35;01
.MOOV 35;01
.mov 35;01
.MOV 35;01
.mp+ 35;01
.MP+ 35;01
.mp1 35;01
.MP1 35;01
.mp2 35;01
.MP2 35;01
.mp2s 35;01
.MP2S 35;01
.mp2v 35;01
.MP2V 35;01
.mp3 35;01
.MP3 35;01
.mp3pro 35;01
.MP3PRO 35;01
.mp4 35;01
.MP4 35;01
.mp4v 35;01
.MP4V 35;01
.mpa 35;01
.MPA 35;01
.mpe 35;01
.MPE 35;01
.mpeg 35;01
.MPEG 35;01
.mpg 35;01
.MPG 35;01
.mpg4 35;01
.MPG4 35;01
.mpm 35;01
.MPM 35;01
.mps 35;01
.MPS 35;01
.mrc 37;01
.MRC 37;01
.msc 37;01
.MSC 37;01
.msq 35;01
.MSQ 35;01
.msx 35;01
.MSX 35;01
.myd 32
.MYD 32
# N ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.nds 32
.NDS 32
.nes 32
.NES 32
.net 37;01
.NET 37;01
.nez 32
.NEZ 32
.nfc 37;01
.NFC 37;01
.nfo 37;01
.NFO 37;01
.ngp 32
.NGP 32
.nif 37;01
.NIF 37;01
# O ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.o 32
.O 32
.obj 32
.OBJ 32
.obd 37;01
.OBD 37;01
.odc 37;01
.ODC 37;01
.odf 37;01
.ODF 37;01
.odg 35;01
.ODG 35;01
.odi 35;01
.ODI 35;01
.odm 37;01
.ODM 37;01
.odp 37;01
.ODP 37;01
.ods 37;01
.ODS 37;01
.odt 37;01
.ODT 37;01
.ogg 35;01
.OGG 35;01
.ogm 35;01
.OGM 35;01
.ognc 37;01
.OGNC 37;01
.old 33;01
.OLD 33;01
.oma 35;01
.OMA 35;01
.oms 35;01
.OMS 35;01
.opl 35;01
.OPL 35;01
.opx 32
.OPX 32
.ovl 32
.OVL 32
# P ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.p 37;01
.P 37;01
.pas 37;01
.PAS 37;01
.pbf 35;01
.PBF 35;01
.pbm 35;01
.PBM 35;01
.pc 37;01
.PC 37;01
.pcc 35;01
.PCC 35;01
.pcx 35;01
.PCX 35;01
.pcds 31;01
.PCDS 31;01
.pcf 32
.PCF 32
.pdf 37;01
.PDF 37;01
.pe 32
.PE 32
.perl 37;01
.PERL 37;01
.pgm 35;01
.PGM 35;01
.ph 37;01
.PH 37;01
.ph3 37;01
.PH3 37;01
.ph4 37;01
.PH4 37;01
.phl 37;01
.PHL 37;01
.php 37;01
.PHP 37;01
.php3 37;01
.PHP3 37;01
.php4 37;01
.PHP4 37;01
.php5 37;01
.PHP5 37;01
.phps 37;01
.PHPS 37;01
.phtm 37;01
.PHTM 37;01
.phtml 37;01
.PHTML 37;01
.pic 35;01
.PIC 35;01
.pix 35;01
.PIX 35;01
.pjp 35;01
.PJP 35;01
.pjpeg 35;01
.PJPEG 35;01
.pk 31;01
.PK 31;01
.pl 37;01
.PL 37;01
.plx 37;01
.PLX 37;01
.png 35;01
.PNG 35;01
.po 37;01
.PO 37;01
.pp 37;01
.PP 37;01
.ppt 37;01
.PPT 37;01
.pphtml 37;01
.PPHTML 37;01
.prl 37;01
.PRL 37;01
.prn 37;01
.PRN 37;01
.psd 35;01
.PSD 35;01
.py 37;01
.PY 37;01
# Q ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# R ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.rar 31;01
.RAR 31;01
.rbf 33;01
.RBF 33;01
.rbn 35;01
.RBN 35;01
.rm 35;01
.RM 35;01
.rmi 35;01
.RMI 35;01
.rom 32
.ROM 32
.rpm 31;01
.RPM 31;01
.rss 37;01
.RSS 37;01
.rtf 37;01
.RTF 37;01
.rv 35;01
.RV 35;01
# S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.s 37;01
.S 37;01
.sav 35;01
.SAV 35;01
.sda 37;01
.SDA 37;01
.sdc 37;01
.SDC 37;01
.sdd 37;01
.SDD 37;01
.sdg 37;01
.SDG 37;01
.sdm 37;01
.SDM 37;01
.sdp 37;01
.SDP 37;01
.sdw 37;01
.SDW 37;01
.sed 37;01
.SED 37;01
.sfs 37;01
.SFS 37;01
.sfx 32
.SFX 32
.sgf 37;01
.SGF 37;01
.sgl 37;01
.SGL 37;01
.sh 37;01
.SH 37;01
.shz 35;01
.SHZ 35;01
.smc 32
.SMC 32
.smd 32
.SMD 32
.smf 37;01
.SMF 37;01
.sms 32
.SMS 32
.snes 32
.SNES 32
.snf 32
.SNF 32
.so 32
.SO 32
.sqz 31;01
.SQZ 31;01
.srm 33;01
.SRM 33;01
.shtml 37;01
.SHTML 37;01
.sty 37;01
.STY 37;01
.style 37;01
.STYLE 37;01
.svg 35;01
.SVG 35;01
.swp 32
.SWP 32
.sxc 37;01
.SXC 37;01
.sxd 37;01
.SXD 37;01
.sxg 37;01
.SXG 37;01
.sxm 37;01
.SXM 37;01
.sxp 37;01
.SXP 37;01
.sxw 37;01
.SXW 37;01
.sys 37;01
.SYS 37;01
.sz0 32
.SZ0 32
# T ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.t1 32
.T1 32
.t2 32
.T2 32
.t3 32
.T3 32
.tar 31;01
.TAR 31;01
.targa 35;01
.TARGA 35;01
.taz 31;01
.TAZ 31;01
.tbz 31;01
.TBZ 31;01
.tcl 37;01
.TCL 37;01
.tcsh 37;01
.TCSH 37;01
.tex 37;01
.TEX 37;01
.tga 35;01
.TGA 35;01
.tgz 31;01
.TGZ 31;01
.tif 35;01
.TIF 35;01
.tiff 35;01
.TIFF 35;01
.tk 37;01
.TK 37;01
.tmp 33;01
.TMP 33;01
.tpl 32
.TPL 32
.tpp 32
.TPP 32
.tpz 31;01
.TPZ 31;01
.tt 32
.TT 32
.ttc 31;01
.TTC 31;01
.ttf 32
.TTF 32
.ttr 32
.TTR 32
.txt 37;01
.TXT 37;01
.tz 31;01
.TZ 31;01
.tzb 31;01
.TZB 31;01
.tzip 31;01
.TZIP 31;01
# U ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.uu 31;01
.UU 31;01
# V ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.vala 37;01
.vapi 37;01
.vcd 35;01
.VCD 35;01
.ver 37;01
.VER 37;01
.vga 35;01
.VGA 35;01
.vjs 35;01
.VJS 35;01
.vm 32
.VM 32
.vmc 37;01
.VMC 37;01
# W ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.wav 35;01
.WAV 35;01
.wave 35;01
.WAVE 35;01
.win 33;01
.WIN 33;01
.wma 35;01
.WMA 35;01
.wmp 35;01
.WMP 35;01
.wmv 35;01
.WMV 35;01
# X ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.xbm 35;01
.XBM 35;01
.xcf 35;01
.XCF 35;01
.xfi 37;01
.XFI 37;01
.xhdml 37;01
.XHDML 37;01
.xht 37;01
.XHT 37;01
.xhtm 37;01
.XHTM 37;01
.xhtml 37;01
.XHTML 37;01
.xif 35;01
.XIF 35;01
.xjt 31;01
.XJT 31;01
.xjtgz 31;01
.XJTGZ 31;01
.xjtz2 31;01
.XJTZ2 31;01
.xla 32
.XLA 32
.xlb 37;01
.XLB 37;01
.xlc 37;01
.XLC 37;01
.xld 37;01
.XLD 37;01
.xlk 33;01
.XLK 33;01
.xll 37;01
.XLL 37;01
.xlm 37;01
.XLM 37;01
.xls 37;01
.XLS 37;01
.xlshtml 37;01
.XLSHTML 37;01
.xlsmhtml 37;01
.xlsx 37;01
.XLSX 37;01
.xlxml 37;01
.XLXML 37;01
.xmf 35;01
.XMF 35;01
.xml 37;01
.XML 37;01
.xpm 35;01
.XPM 35;01
# Y ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Z ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.z 31;01
.Z 31;01
.zfs 37;01
.ZFS 37;01
.zip 31;01
.ZIP 31;01
.zoo 31;01
.ZOO 31;01
.zsh 37;01
.ZSH 37;01