
336 lines
9.6 KiB

namespace LAview {
* Tables and its components in the document.
namespace Table {
* Any error at ``ATable`` splitting.
public errordomain SplitError {
* ``ATable`` isn't a child of the {@link Glob}.
* Any errors in the split indexes.
* Any other error.
* Any Table in the LaTeX document.
public abstract class ATable : ADoc {
* Align of the table.
* Possible values: 't', 'b'.
public char align;
* Style of the {@link AddSpace}/{@link Subtable}.
public AddSpaces.Style style;
* Parameters of columns.
public ColParams params = new ColParams ();
* Main sutable.
public Subtable table = new Subtable ();
* First Header.
public Subtable first_header = new Subtable ();
* Header.
public Subtable header = new Subtable ();
* Footer.
public Subtable footer = new Subtable ();
* Last Footer.
public Subtable last_footer = new Subtable ();
protected ATable () {}
* Gets a copy of the ``ATable``.
public override IDoc copy () {
var clone = (get_type ()) as ATable;
clone.align = align; = style;
clone.params = params.copy () as ColParams;
clone.table = table.copy () as Subtable;
clone.first_header = first_header.copy () as Subtable;
clone.header = header.copy () as Subtable;
clone.footer = footer.copy () as Subtable;
clone.last_footer = last_footer.copy () as Subtable;
return clone;
* Generates LaTeX string for the ``ATable``.
public override string generate () {
assert (false);
return "";
* Removes {@link Cell}-s in the column by specified index.
* @param index index of column to remove.
* @param line_style {@link Row.OpLineStyle} of the operation.
public void remove_col (int index, Row.OpLineStyle line_style
= Row.OpLineStyle.BORDER_DBLLINES) {
if (index >= params.size) return;
var param = params.get (index) as ColParam;
if ((line_style & Row.OpLineStyle.VBORDER) != 0 && param.align != "") {
if (params.size > 1) {
if (index == 0)
(params.get (1) as ColParam).nllines = param.nllines;
else if (index == params.size - 1)
(params.get (params.size - 2) as ColParam).nrlines = param.nrlines;
if ((line_style & Row.OpLineStyle.VDBLLINES) != 0) {
if (index > 0 && index < params.size - 1) {
var prev = params.get (index - 1) as ColParam,
next = params.get (index + 1) as ColParam;
next.nllines = prev.nrlines != 0 || next.nllines != 0 ? 1 : 0;
prev.nrlines = 0;
params.remove_at (index);
first_header.remove_col (index, line_style);
header.remove_col (index, line_style);
footer.remove_col (index, line_style);
last_footer.remove_col (index, line_style);
table.remove_col (index, line_style);
* Clones column of {@link Cell}-s by specified indexes.
* @param src_index source position of the column.
* @param dest_index destination to clone the column.
* @param multicol preserve multicolumn property or not.
* @param line_style {@link Row.OpLineStyle} of the operation.
public void clone_col (int src_index, int dest_index, bool multicol,
Row.OpLineStyle line_style
= Row.OpLineStyle.BORDER_DBLLINES) {
if (src_index >= params.size || dest_index > params.size) return;
var param = params.get (src_index).copy () as ColParam;
if ((Row.OpLineStyle.VBORDER & line_style) != 0) {
if (dest_index >= params.size) {
var last_param = params.get (params.size - 1) as ColParam;
if (last_param.align != "")
param.nrlines = last_param.nrlines;
} else {
var first_param = params.get (0) as ColParam;
if (dest_index == 0 && first_param.align != "")
param.nllines = first_param.nllines;
if ((Row.OpLineStyle.VDBLLINES & line_style) != 0) {
int prev_index;
bool prev_edit = false;
if (dest_index < params.size) {
prev_index = dest_index > 0 ? dest_index - 1 : 0;
if (prev_index > 0) prev_edit = true;
var dest_param = params.get (dest_index) as ColParam;
dest_param.nllines = param.nrlines != 0 || dest_param.nllines != 0 ? 1 : 0;
param.nrlines = 0;
} else {
prev_edit = true;
prev_index = params.size - 1;
if (prev_edit) {
var prev_param = params.get (prev_index) as ColParam;
param.nllines = prev_param.nrlines != 0 || param.nllines != 0 ? 1 : 0;
prev_param.nrlines = 0;
params.insert (dest_index, param);
first_header.clone_col (src_index, dest_index, multicol, line_style);
header.clone_col (src_index, dest_index, multicol, line_style);
footer.clone_col (src_index, dest_index, multicol, line_style);
last_footer.clone_col (src_index, dest_index, multicol, line_style);
table.clone_col (src_index, dest_index, multicol, line_style);
* Bounds of the ``ATable`` to split.
public struct SplitLimit {
* First column index [0; last].
uint first;
* Last column index [first; ncols - 1].
uint last;
* Maximum of columns per page [1; ncols].
uint max_cols;
bool check_limits (Array<SplitLimit?> sorted_limits) {
/* check nearby limits */
for (var i = 1; i < sorted_limits.length; ++i)
if (sorted_limits.index (i - 1).last >= sorted_limits.index (i).first
|| sorted_limits.index (i).first > sorted_limits.index (i).last)
return false;
/* check limits of the first and last elements */
if (sorted_limits.index (0).first > sorted_limits.index (0).last
|| params.size <= sorted_limits.index (sorted_limits.length - 1).last)
return false;
return true;
uint [] get_indexes (Array<SplitLimit?> sorted_limits) {
var lim_indexes = new uint[sorted_limits.length];
for (var i = 0; i < sorted_limits.length; ++i)
lim_indexes[i] = sorted_limits.index (i).first;
return lim_indexes;
ATable? split_table (Array<SplitLimit?> sorted_limits, uint [] lim_indexes,
Row.OpLineStyle line_style) {
var return_table = copy () as ATable;
bool split_finish = true;
/* removing spare columns */
for (uint i = sorted_limits.length - 1; i < sorted_limits.length; --i) { // group
for (uint j = sorted_limits.index (i).last;
j >= lim_indexes[i] + sorted_limits.index (i).max_cols
&& j <= sorted_limits.index (i).last; --j)
return_table.remove_col ((int)j, line_style);
for (uint j = lim_indexes[i] - 1; j >= sorted_limits.index (i).first && j < lim_indexes[i]; --j)
return_table.remove_col ((int)j, line_style);
/* count indexes */
if (lim_indexes[i] <= sorted_limits.index (i).last) {
split_finish = false;
lim_indexes[i] += sorted_limits.index (i).max_cols;
/* did any indexes updated */
if (split_finish)
return null;
return return_table;
* Split an ``ATable`` into several ``ATable``s by columns according to the limits.
* For example: table<<BR>>
* ``[fix1 fix2 colA1 colA2 colA3 colA4 colA5 fix3 fix4 colB1 colB2 colB3 colB4 fix5 fix6]``<<BR>>
* with limits { {2, 6, 2}, {9, 12, 3} }<<BR>>
* will be splitted into 3 tables<<BR>>
* [fix1 fix2 colA1 colA2 fix3 fix4 colB1 colB2 colB3 fix5 fix6]<<BR>>
* [fix1 fix2 colA3 colA4 fix3 fix4 colB4 fix6]<<BR>>
* [fix1 fix2 colA5 fix3 fix4 fix6]<<BR>>
* 3rd param 'limits'. For all elements following conditions should be satisfied.
* last[i] < first[i+1], 0 <= first[i] <= last[i] <= ncols-1, 1 <= max_cols <= ncols.
* @param glob {@link Glob} document with a ``ATable``.
* @param limits array of {@link SplitLimit}s.
* @param line_style {@link Row.OpLineStyle} of the operation.
* @return number of ``ATable``s the table splitted to.
public uint split (Glob glob, Array<SplitLimit?> limits,
Row.OpLineStyle line_style = Row.OpLineStyle.BORDER_DBLLINES) throws SplitError {
/* is table a child of glob */
var glob_index = glob.index_of (this);
if (glob_index == -1)
throw new SplitError.ISNT_CHILD (_("2nd param (ATable) isn't a child of the 1st (Glob)."));
/* sorting limits */
var sorted_limits = new Array<SplitLimit?>.sized (false, false, sizeof (SplitLimit), limits.length);
sorted_limits.append_vals (, limits.length);
sorted_limits.sort ((ref a, ref b) => {
if (a.first < b.first) return -1;
if (a.first > b.first) return 1;
return 0;
/* checking limits for intersections */
if (!check_limits (sorted_limits))
throw new SplitError.INDEX_ERROR (_("3rd param (limits) is incorrect. Read the manual."));
/* split the table on several longtables inserting them before glob_index + 1 */
var lim_indexes = get_indexes (sorted_limits);
ATable temp_table;
uint result = 0;
var part_idx = glob_index + 1;
while (null != (temp_table = split_table (sorted_limits, lim_indexes, line_style))) {
glob.insert (part_idx++, temp_table);
/* remove table from the doc */
if (result != 0)
glob.remove_at (glob_index);
throw new SplitError.OTHER (_("Cann't split the table. Read the manual."));
return result;